Task 1- Assign weights to the objectives

  Objectives Weights
  Safety 9
  Ease of use 7
  Portability 5
  Use of standard parts 6
  Cost 6

Task 2 : Write Pugh chart for the 4 alternative designs shown in figures

Design Objectives Weights Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4
Safety 9 + + +++ datum
Ease of use 7 -- ++ + + datum
Portability 5 ++ + -- datum
Use of standard parts 6 + + -- datum
Cost 6 + -- + datum
Score(+)   31 34 47  
Score (-)   7 6 11  
Total   24 28 36  

5.2 Justification for scores given

Task 3 : Justification for the scores given

Design No. Objective Score Allocated Justification for the Score
1 Safety + It includes a guide track for the crushing plate, which prevents misalignment during operation.
Ease of Use -- Due to manual foot operation, which might be less intuitive compared to other designs.
Portability + + It is compact and relatively easy to move.
Use of Standard Parts + For using a guide track and standard materials.
Cost + It relies on simple mechanical components, making it inexpensive.
2 Safety + Foot-operated mechanism prevents direct contact with the crushing parts.
Ease of Use + + Its intuitive operation through a foot pedal.
Portability + Lightweight structure and minimal components.
Use of Standard Parts + Two guide tracks .
Cost -- Due to additional foot pedal components, which increase manufacturing cost.
3 Safety + + + It includes safety features like an enclosed crushing area powered by a pull cord, reducing user risk.
Ease of Use ++ The electrical operation requires minimal manual effort and is user friendly.
Portability -- Due to its reliance on electrical components, which make it less portable.
Use of Standard Parts -- It incorporates speacialized eelctrical parts, reducing standardization.
Cost + Uses user friendly electrical components.
4 Safety ---- -----
Ease of Use ---- -----
Portability ---- -----
Use of Standard Parts ---- -----
Cost ---- -----

5.3 Selected Design

WhatsApp Image 2024-11-10 at 12 20 40_7fd8378b

5.4 Function clustering

WhatsApp Image 2024-12-02 at 15 58 23_4f292a7a

5.5 Subsystem

 # 5.5.1 Subsystem List

SL. No. Subsystem
1 crushing unit
2 indication unit
3 Storage unit

5.6 Interaction between subsystems


Crushing unit indication unit storage unit
Spatial No Yes
Data Yes No
Material No Yes
indication unit crushing unit storage unit
Spatial No No
Data Yes No
Material No No
storage unit crushing unit indication unit
Spatial No No
Data No No
Material No No