8. Resource specification - P-Division-2022-2023-Odd/Repo11 GitHub Wiki

8.1 Motor sizing

volume of two Front and back sheets = 10.5 * 19.5 * 0.8cm^3 * 2 = 327.6 cm^3

volume of two side sheets = 10.5 * 28.5 * 0.8 * 2 = 478.8 cm^3

the volume of top and bottom sheets (including lid) = 19.5 * 28.5 * 0.8 * 2 = 889.2cm^3

Total Volume of foam sheets = 1695 cm^3

Density of Foam sheet= 0.961 g/cm^3

Mass= 1627.0g

max load capacity = 1kg

total mass with load = 2.6278 kg

Torque = co-efficient of friction * total mass * acceleration due to gravity * radius of the wheel = 0.85 * 2627.8 g * 10 * 6 cm Toruqe = 134.0178 g-cm = 1.340178 Kg-cm

T= 1.35 kg cm

Total Torque= Torque * FOS

Total Torque= 1.35 * 1.5

Total Torque= 2.025 kg cm

This implies the required motor is 100 rpm DC Motor.
 Servo motor to be used is tower pro SG-90

8.2 Battery selection

The required battery for DC motor is 11.1V battery

8.3 Bill of materials(BOM)

sl no Name of parts price quantity
1 Robot wheel 40 2
2 neo 6M 306 1
3 C5883L 200 1
4 L289N 120 1
5 HC-05 620 1
6 Arduino mega 2560 840 1
7 100RPM motor 50 2
8 Swivel caster wheels 108 1
9 cutting wood ... ...
10 wires ... ...
11 cardboard ... ...
12 Styrofoam ... ...
13 PLA ... ...
14 wheels 40 2
15 Towerpro SG90 183 1
16 plastic box 100 1
total ... 2737 ...