5. Concept evaluation and product architecture - P-Division-2022-2023-Odd/Repo01 GitHub Wiki

Pugh chart

Assigning weights to objectives

objectives Weights
Safety 6
Portability 5
Ease of use 8
Cost 7

pugh chart with four different designs

Design Objectives Weights Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4
Safety 6 0 Datum ++ 0
Portability 5 - Datum - -
Ease of use 8 + Datum - ++
cost 7 0 Datum 0 +
score(+) 8 0 12 23
score(-) 5 0 13 5
Total score 3 0 -1 18

Justifications for scores given

As design 4 satisfied most of the needs and seemed to be the most feasible for our project, it is being selected as the final design for our prototype.

6.1 Selected design

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-23 at 06 23 58

6.2 Functional Clustering

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-20 at 14 11 00

6.3Interaction between subsystems

Storage unit Interface unit Dispensing unit Crushing unit
Material interaction no yes yes
Data interaction Yes no no
Spatial interaction no yes no
Interface unit Storage unit Dispensing unit Crushing unit
Material interaction no no no
Data interaction Yes Yes Yes
Spatial interaction no no no
Dispensing unit Storage unit Interface unit Crushing unit
Material interaction Yes no Yes
Data interaction no Yes no
Spatial interaction Yes no no
Crushing unit Storage unit Interface unit Dispensing unit
Material interaction Yes no Yes
Data interaction no Yes no
Spatial interaction no no no