4.4 BOM (Bill of Material) of the System. - P-Division-2019-2020-Even/Repo-12 GitHub Wiki

Bill of Materials

Sl.No. Part name Material with which it is made up of Specification of the material Quantity Fabrication process if needed
01 Gaming console body foam sheet 1.6 ft * 1.1 ft * 1 mm 1 cutting,milling,grinding
02 micro controller - Arduino mega 2560 1 -
03 John son DC motor - 12 V 1 -
04 Servo motor Metal Metal Gear MG995 1 -
05 IR sensor - - 1
06 Conveyor Belt Rubber or Cloth 14 cm x 75 cm 1 cutting and stitching
07 Limit Switch (sensor) - 2 -
08 Adapter - 12 V or 5V 1 -
09 LED assorted colours - red and green Each one -
10 L clamp metal sheet 30 -
11 RGB red bulb - red green blue colour 4 -
12 Buzzers - - 2 -
13 USB cable - 1 foot 1 -
14 Washers - - 15 -
15 Obstacle Thermcol 6 cm 4 Grinding and Cutting
16 Breadboard - - 1 -
17 LN298 - - 1 -
18 LED strip - 1 m 1 -
19 Jumper wires: Male to male, male to female, female to male - - each 10 -
20 Push botton - - 2 -
21 On/off switch - - 1 -
22 LED screen with module - - 1 -
23 Aluminium channels - 45cm long 2 Laser printing, cutting and grinding
24 Nylon rod - - 2 Cutting
25 Acrylic sleeves Acrylic Sheets - 20
26 Resistors - 1 k ohm and 222 ohms Each 2 -
27 Nuts - 6 mm 30 -
28 Screws - 6 mm diameter, 40 mm length 10 -
29 Aluminium channels - 8.5 cm height 4 Cutting and drilling
30 Single stranded wires - red, black, yellow 1 m each -
31 Dino Acrylic sheet 10cm x 10cm x2 cm 1 Laser cutting
32 Screws - 10 mm length,6mm diameter 20 -
33 Nuts - 6mm diameter 10 -
34 Wire stripper - - 1 -