3. Conceptual Design and Product Architecture - P-Division-2019-2020-Even/Repo-12 GitHub Wiki

2.1 Establishing Functions

Sl.No Functions
1 Moving Arena
2 Jumping Dino
3 Obstacles
4 Increase Difficulty of Game
5 Display Score
6 Sense Dino Hit
7 Lightings
8 Sounds
9 Starting the Game
10 Receiving Jump Command
11 Ending of Game
12 Restarting the Game

2.2 Function tree


2.3 Functional Clustering


2.3.1 Sub Systems Identified

Subsystem 01: Playing Arena Unit Subsystem 02: Dino Control Unit Subsystem 03: User Interactions Unit Subsystem 04: Casing Unit

2.4 Establishing Means –Morphological Chart


2.5 Concept Generation

2.5.1 Concept 1 2.5.1 Concept 2
2.5.1 Concept 3 2.5.1 Concept 4

2.6 Concept Selection

2.6.1 Weightage to objective

Sl.No. Objectives Weightage
01. Entertaining 10
02. Machine should be Semi-Automatic. 09
03. Machine should be user friendly. 07
04. Machine should be portable. 06

2.6.2 Pugh Chart

Objectives Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 Concept 4
Semi - Automatic 00 00 Datum 00
Entertaining 00 00 Datum 00
User - Friendly ++ + Datum +
Portable ++ + Datum -
+ Score 26 13 00 7
- Score 00 00 00 -6
Total 26 13 00 1

2.6.3 Justification

Concepts Objectives Score Given Justification
Concept 1
Semi - Automatic 00 This system works almost similar to the datum
Entertaining 00 These features are similar to the datum
User - Friendly 14 it is easy to play and less complicated than datum
Portable 12 It can be fixed in any place easily and it is less weight compared to datum
Concept 2
Semi - Automatic 00 This system works almost similar to the datum
Entertaining 00 This is similar to features of datum
User - Friendly 7 It is easy to play and less complicated than datum
Portable 6 It can be placed anywhere easily than datum
Concept 3
Semi - Automatic
User - Friendly
Concept 4
Semi - Automatic 00 This system works almost similar to datum
Entertaining 00 As the features of this is similar to the datum, so it is also entertaining like datum
User - Friendly 7 It is easy to play and less complicated than datum
Portable -6 It can be placed anywhere but due to the working mechanisms, some complications occur

2.6.4 Selected Design