4.(e) Motor Sizing - P-Division-2019-2020-Even/Repo-09 GitHub Wiki

Motor Sizing

DC Motor

Density of acrylic sheet = 1.185 g/cubic cm

Volume = 10.2 x 1 x 0.3 = 3.06 cubic cm Mass1 = Density x Volume = 1.185 x 3.06 = 3.6261 g

Volume = 16 x 1 x 0.3 = 4.8 cubic cm Mass2 = Density x Volume = 1.185 x 4.8 =5.688 g

Volume = 3.142 x 7 x 7 x 0.3 = 46.1874 cubic cm Mass3 = Density x Volume = 1.185 x 46.1874 = 54.732 g

M = Mass1 + Mass2 + Mass3 = 3.6261 + 5.688 + 54.732 = 64.0461 g

Force = M x a = 0.064 x 9.8 = 0.6272 N

Torque = Force x Dist = 0.6272 x 5.1 = 3.198 Kg-cm

Factor of safety = 1.5

Therefore, Torque = 3.198 x 1.5 = 4.7 kg-cm

DC Motor which meets our requirement is of 60 rpm.

Servo Motor

Density of acrylic sheet = 1.185 g/cubic cm

Volume = 0.6 x 0.3 x 2.4 = 0.432 cubic cm Mass = Density x volume = 1.185 x 0.432 = 0.51192 g

Force = 0.51192 x 9.81 = 5.021 N

Torque = 5.021 x 1.2 = 6.0252 kg-cm

Factor of safety = 1.5

Therefore, Torque = 6.0252 x 1.5 = 9.0372 kg-cm

Servo motor which meets this requirement is MG995 Servo with torque of 10 kg-cm at 4.8 V