3. Conceptual Design and Product Architecture - P-Division-2019-2020-Even/Repo-09 GitHub Wiki

2.1 Establishing Functions

Sl.No Functions
1 Timed entry and exit of targets
2 Sense shots
3 Fall when shot
4 Rearrangement of targets
5 Sideways movement of gun
6 Angular movement of gun
7 One shot at a time
8 Display current score
9 Indicate when game is over
10 Casing

2.2 Function Tree

2.3 Functional Clustering

Sub Systems Identified

1. Target handling unit 2. Gun handling unit 3. Interface unit 4. Casing

2.4 Establishing Means-Morphological Chart

2.5 Concept Generation

2.5.1: Conceptual Design-1

2.5.2: Conceptual Design-2

2.5.3: Conceptual Design-3

2.5.4: Conceptual Design-4

2.6 Concept Selection

2.6.1 Weightage to Objective

Sl.No. Objective Weightage
1 Interactive 9
2 Aesthetics 7
3 Portability 5
4 User-friendly 6
5 Difficulty levels 5

2.6.2 Pugh Chart

Objectives Weightage Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 Concept 4
Interactive 9 + ++ DATUM -
Aesthetics 7 - ++ DATUM +
Portability 5 - - DATUM +
User-friendly 6 - + DATUM +
Difficulty level 5 + + DATUM --
+ Score 14 43 0 18
- Score 18 5 0 19
Total -4 38 0 -1

2.6.3 Justification

Concepts Objectives Score Given Justification
Concept 1 Interactive + This concept involves a bit more player to machine interaction due to varying positions of targets.
Aesthetics - The Datum looks better than this.
Portability - Has a larger structure, hence not so easily portable.
User-friendly - Not so user-friendly.
Difficulty Level + Difficulty increases with varying positions of targets which are not easily predictable.
Concept 2 Interactive ++ This provides much more interaction than the Datum.
Aesthetics ++ Looks much more attractive than the Datum and can attract all age groups.
Portability - Has a larger structure, hence not so easily portable.
User-friendly + It's user-friendly to a huge extent.
Difficulty Level + Increasing difficulty level with various rounds providing unpredictable positions to the targets, much enjoyed by the user.
Concept 3 Interactive DATUM
Aesthetics DATUM
Portability DATUM
User-friendly DATUM
Difficulty Level DATUM
Concept 4 Interactive - Does not provide player to machine interaction to a great level.
Aesthetics + Looks better than the Datum.
Portability + Easily portable than the Datum because of it's lighter weight and smaller size.
User-friendly + It's user-friendly to a huge extent.
Difficulty Level -- Easily predictable positions of the targets because of which not much difficulty offered to the player.