Review 3 - P-Division-2018-2019/Team-6 GitHub Wiki

Glass Box Representation

Identified sub system list:

Sl.NO Sub System 1
1 Receiving signals & act according to it
2 Movement
3 Storage
4 Excavation & Dump

Types of Interaction:

  1. Material interaction:

    Solids,Liquids, and Gases that flow from one sub system to next.
  2. Energy interaction:

    Energy that must be transmitted or shielded between sub systems.
  3. Data interaction:

    Signals(tactile,acoustic,electrical,visual,etc..)that must be proceeded from one sub system to the next.
  4. Spatial interaction:

    Geometrical Dimension,Degrees of freedom,tolerance and constraints that must be maintained between the sub systems

For Sub System 1

Sub system 2 Sub system 3 Sub system 4
Material Interaction No No No
Energy Interaction No No No
Data Interaction Yes Yes Yes
Spatial Interaction No No No
Explanation: Because there is data transfer takes place between sub system 1 with sub systems 2,3 & 4 and

For Sub System 2

Sub system 1 Sub system 3 Sub system 4
Material Interaction No No No
Energy Interaction No No No
Data Interaction Yes No No
Spatial Interaction No Yes No
Explanation:Data transfer takes place between sub system 2 with 1 and as the bot moves storage box is also will move.

For Sub System 3

Sub system 1 Sub system 2 Sub system 4
Material Interaction No No No
Energy Interaction NO NO NO
Data Interaction Yes No No
Spatial Interaction No Yes No
Explanation:Transfer of data takes place between sub system 3 with 1 and as the bot moves storage box is also will move

For Sub System 4

Sub System 1 Sub System 2 Sub System 3
Material Interaction No No Yes
Energy Interaction No No No
Data Interaction Yes No No
Spatial Interaction No Yes No
Explanation:There is material transfer takes place between sub system 4 with 3.