REVIEW 2 - P-Division-2018-2019/Team-6 GitHub Wiki

Task 2.1:For the video shown, formulate the problem definition by distinct objectives, constraints and functions.

Problem definition:

Design a Excavating Bot which is durable and rugged in nature.It should be easily usable and cost effective. The maximum cost of the excavation bot should be around 2500-3000 rupees and its maximum weight should be around 2.5-3 kg. The maximum weight of sample that the bot can lift should be around 50-100gm.The dumping and storage is controlled by the wireless means. The dumping and storage is controlled by remotely.

Task 2.2:List the inputs,outputs of the system and represent black box model.

inputs outputs
DC Supply Mechanical work
Data excavate and dump

Task 2.3:List the functions of the system shown in the video

  1. Reciving the signal and act according to that.
  2. Move according to Programming code or signals.
  3. Excavation.
  4. Storage.

2.3.2 Write the glass box representation of the system in terms of functional blocks .

Task 2.4: Complete the morphological chart by exploring the other alternative means of achieving the functions.

Functions Mean 1 Mean 2 Mean 3 Mean 4
Receiving the signals Wired Wireless Hand motion voice control
Excavate and Dump the excavated material Robotic hands Toothed picker Toothless Cylindrical pickers
Movement Wheel Roller Robotic Legs Flight

Design 1.

Design 2.


Design 3.


Design 4.
