Pug Chart - P-Division-2018-2019/Team-6 GitHub Wiki

Below are the identified and prioritised objectives.

  • 1.Rugged in nature
  • 2.Durable
  • 3.Easy to use
  • 4.Cost effective

Assign weightage for the stated objectives.

Objectives Weightage
Rugged in nature 8
Durable 7
Easy to use 5
Cost effective 3

Pug Chart

Objectives Weightage Design idea 1 Design idea 2 Design idea 3 Design idea 4
Rugged in nature 8 ++ Datum + -
Durable 7 + Datum - +
Easy to use 5 ++ Datum -- +
Cost effective 3 - Datum -- +
+Score +33 0 +8 15
-Score -3 0 -23 -8
Total +30 0 -15 7

The Best Concept selected is Design No.1


Design idea no Objective Score Given Justification
1 Rugged in nature +16 open belt drive is used to excavate soil,use of standard parts
Durable +7 long life of belt drive
Easy to use +10 used through remote control and low maintenance of belt drive
Cost effective -3 standard parts used,hence amount of iron used is more
3 Rugged in nature +8 robotics legs makes bot stable
Durable -7 amount of power required is high by this bot
Easy to use -10 movement of bot(legs) is slow
Cost effective -6 has the robotic legs & camera is used so its more expensive
4 Rugged in nature -8
Durable +7
Easy to use +5
Cost effective +3