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Need statement: "Excavation Bot"

Designers: H N Shashank, Hemanth Sg, Harish Mirji, Raghuveer M.

Clients: ISRO


ISRO in its next Chandrayan project is willing to have an autonomous excavation bot which can be helpful for collecting sample(Mud,Sand and Gravel) for scientific study.

Questions such as this question helps the designer to
1.For what purpose it should be used? Identify clients objective
2.Whether it would excavate soil or gravels? Identify clients objective
4.Whether it is easy to use or not? Identify clients objective
5.What should be the cost? Identify clients objective
6.What's the maximum cost of the bot? Identify constraints
7.What is the maximum weight of the bot? Identify constraints
8.What is the maximum weight of the sample it can lift? Identify constraints
12.How it should be controlled? Establish functions


  1. It should be used to excavate soil sample.
  2. It should excavate soil.
  3. The maximum cost of the bot is around 2500-3000 rupees.
  4. The maximum weight of the bot should be 2.5-3kg.
  5. The maximum weight of the sample it can lift is around 300-400g.
  6. It should be controlled by the wireless means.
Observation and from Lit.Survey Requirements

Identify client's objectives

Serial no Objectives
01 Rugged in nature
02 Durable
03 Easy to use
04 Cost effective

Pair-wise Comparison Chart(PCC)

Objectives Durable Rugged in nature Easy to use Cost effective Score
Durable **** 0 1 1 2
Rugged in nature 1 **** 1 1 3
Easy to use 0 0 **** 1 1
Cost effective 0 0 0 ***** 0


  1. Rugged in nature
  2. Durable
  3. Easy to use
  4. Cost effective

Problem definition version 1.1

Design a Excavating Bot which is durable and rugged in nature,it should be easily used and cost effective.

Identify constraints

  1. Cost should be around 2500-3000 Rs.
  2. Weight of the bot should be around 2.5-3 Kg.
  3. Weight of the sample that bot can be lift should be around 300-400 grams

Problem definition version 1.2

Design a Excavating Bot which is durable and rugged in nature.It should be easily usable and cost effective. The maximum cost of the excavation bot should be around 2500-3000 rs and its maximum weight should be around 2.5-3 kg. The maximum weight of sample that the bot can lift should be around 300-400gm.

Establish functions

  1. Dumping and storage sample.
  2. It should be controlled by the wireless means.

Problem definition version 1.3

Design a Excavating Bot which is durable and rugged in nature.It should be easily usable and cost effective. The maximum cost of the excavation bot should be around 2500-3000 rs and its maximum weight should be around 2.5-3 kg. The maximum weight of sample that the bot can lift should be around 300-400gm.The dumping and storage is controlled by the wireless means.The dumping and storage is controlled by the wireless means.

                             #  Information Gathering
Sl.No Components used Mechanism/Working principle Link
1 Aurdino Board Creates interactive objects https://youtu.be/nL34zDTPkcs
2 battery source of energy
3 Channels telecommunication https://youtu.be/To-L6sHFiY8
4 Metal External body of the bot https://youtu.be/BIPPkqXQrrY
5 Transmitters and receivers Wireless controlling system https://youtu.be/RV5eCzL4044
6 Motors Generates rotational force