Review 3 - P-Division-2018-2019/Team-11 GitHub Wiki

Identified and priorities objectives

1.The bot should be fully automated.

2.The bot should be user friendly.

3.The bot should be cost effective.

4.The bot should be portable.

Assign weightage for the stated objectives

objectives weightage
user friendly 9
cost effective 7
portable 6
fully automated 5

PUGH chart

0bjectives weightage design idea 1 design idea 2 design idea 3 design idea 4
user friendly 9 ++ 0 0 0
cost effective 7 + 0 - --
porable 6 ++ 0 + +
fully automated 5 ++ 0 ++ ++
+score 47 016 16
- score 0 o 7 14
total 47 0 9 2

The best concept selected is Design 1


Design 1:

design 4

objective given score justification
user friendly ++ it requires less manual interruption
cost effective + the cost is not very much high
portable ++ it can be carried anywhere
fully automated ++ less manual operation as it is operated through bluetooth

Design 2:

design 2

objective given score justification
user friendly 0 datum
cost effective 0 datum
portable 0 datum
fully automated 0 datum

Design 3:

design 1

objective given score justification
user friendly 0 It requires more manual interruption as it has 2 arms .so it is difficult to synchronise
cost effective - it is costly because it requires more motors and links
portable + it can be carried everywhere but it is heavy due to 2 arms
fully automated ++ it is fully automated

Design 4:

objective given score justification
user friendly 0 comparably same as that of datum
cost effective -- it is to costly because involvement of motors is more
portable + it is portable but little heavy due to 2 arms
fully automated ++ it is fully automated

Identified list of sub system.

1. Accepting the type of tune by user

2. Playing the tune/movement of arms

                                       ## Interaction details:

Material interactions:

solids, liquids and gases that flow from one

sub system to next.

Energy interactions:

energies that must be transmitted or shielded

between sub systems.

Data interactions:

signals that must be processed from one sub

system to the next.

Spatial interactions:

geometrical dimensions, tolerances and

constraints that must be maintained between the sub systems.

Subsystem 1

subsystem 2
Material interaction No
energy interaction Yes
data interaction Yes
spatial interaction No

There is energy interaction between the processes of user entering tune and playing the tune. Here AC source is used as energy and Bluetooth signal is taken as data interaction.