Review 1 - P-Division-2018-2019/Team-11 GitHub Wiki

1 problem defination

1.1 Need Statement

For an upcoming event in KLETECH there is a need for robot which can play musical instruments to entertain audience.

1.2 Gathering Pertinent Information


Humans are constantly fascinated by music-playing robots. There is something profoundly compelling about watching a mechanical being imitate the art and skill of playing a musical instrument. The latest crazy robot musical symphony comes in Automatica – a project that enlists several industrial robots to form a giant mechanical orchestra, with amazing and destructive results. Given below are some of the existing solutions on musical bot.

Squarepusher x Z-Machines

In 2014, British musician Squarepusher teamed up with a group of Japanese robotics engineers who had developed Z-Machines, a band of robotic musicians. Using electronic signals and mechanical responses,they can play with greater speed and precision than any human. Squarepusher wrote the music with this in mind, and the result is some combination of prog-rock, jazz and 8-bit sound effects. German "metal" band Compressorhead uses technology similar to Z-Machines', but with more recognizable instruments—and they play more recognizable

music: Motörhead's "Ace of Spades."


While this may look like a violin on life support, it's actually a "kinetic sculpture" that uses electromagnetic actuators to move the bow, therobotic "fingers" and the violin itself. Unlike a human violinist who changes the angle of the bow for each string, the Ro-Bow changes the angle of the violin and keeps the bow straight.

Toyota's violin robot

Another violin-playing robot? Toyota – yes, the Tercel people – unveileda group of musical robots at the 2005 World Expo. This one, with its manual dexterity, was the most impressive. It even uses vibrato.

The drone orchestra

When they are not delivering our packages or invading our airspace,drones can apparently play music. It may not be the popular interpretation of a robot, but this army of unmanned miniature helicopters uses their weight to play a medley of classic tunes on abunch of custom instruments.![]

Xylophone Playing Bot

1.3 Questions asked to client / users for arriving at the objectives, functionsand constraints

Table :questions asked to the client questions
1 which musical instrument should the bot play?
2 what should be the cost of boat?
3 should the bot play fast or slow music?
4 should the bot run on battery or electrical power?
5 what should be the colour of the bot?
6 whether the musical bot should be fully automated or controlled manually?
7 should the bot be portable?
8 should the bot display the song while it is playing?
9 should the bot play pleasant or unpleasant music?
10 what time period the bot should play the music? components or parts used mechanism/working principle identified links
1 dc motors Used for the movement of arms to play the Xylophone.
2 arduino cable Used to regulate the movement of the arms to generate a tune by Arduino programming.
3 IR sensor Used to detect the key of the instrument to recognize the tune according to the program
4 breadboard designed to work with through hole electronic components

1.4 list of objectives objective
1 the robot should be fully automated
2 The robot should be user friendly
3 The robot should be cost effective
4 The robot should be portable
5 the size of the robot should be 40*40cm

Problem Definition

Design an automated musical bot which should be user friendly and affordable and also should play pleasnt music rather than unpleasant music and it should be portable.the size of the bot should be around 40*45cm.

1.6 Constraints to the need statement

1.Cost of the musical bot (Rs.5000).

2.The bot should be ready within the stipulated time(within 4 months).

3.Choice of instrument(Xylophone).

4.Weight of the bot(Within 1Kg).

5.the bot should work on ac supply.

Problem Definition

Design an automated musical bot which should be user friendly and affordable and also it should be portable and the cost of the bot should not exceed Rs. 5000 and should be prepared within 4 months of time period and the weight of the bot should not exceed 1kg and the instrument played by should be xylophone and battery backup should be appropriate.

1.7 Functions of the musical bot

1.The bot can play only moderate tunes.

2.The bot should be able to identify the keys of the instrument.

3.To change the musical tune automatically.

4.The movement of the arms of the bot should sync with the musical tune.

5.The bot should be able to hold the mallets.

Problem Definition

Design a musical bot which should play only moderate tunes and should identify the proper and definite keys of the instrument and change the musical tune automatically. The movement of the arms of the bot should be synchronized with the musical tune such that the frequency should be in a particular range.

1.8 Pair-wise Comparison Chart(PCC)

user friendly cost effective fully automated pleasant music portable total score
user friendly *** 1 1 1 1 4
cost effective 0 *** 1 1 1 3
fully automated 0 0 *** 1 1 2
pleasant music 0 1 1 *** 1 3
portable 0 0 0 0 *** 0

# 1.9 Problem Definition(Objectives)

Design an automated musical bot which should be user friendly and affordable and also it should be portable such that the cost of the bot should not exceed Rs. 5000. It should be prepared within 4 months of time period, size of the bot should be around 40cm x 40cm such that the weight of the bot should not exceed 1kg and the instrument played by the bot should be xylophone and battery backup should be appropriate. With all these objectives and constraints the bot should play only moderate tunes for about 1 min. The bot should play 2 tunes and should identify the proper and definite keys of the instrument and change the musical tune automatically. The movement of the arms of the bot should be synchronised with the musical tune and after the completion of tune there should be indication.