Abstract - P-Division-2018-2019/Team-11 GitHub Wiki


According to the need statement given we were asked to build a musical bot. we chose xylophone as musical instrument and prepared xylophone musical bot and named it as "twin tuners".Our team had designed four models for the given need statement and choose the best one for implementation based on pugh chart.

Our bot consisted of four servo motors,a bluetooth for user entering choice,Aurdino,breadboard,male to male jumper wires,male to female jumper wires,the xlophone and its mallets.Our bot can play 4 tunes via bluetooth.It plays only pleasent tunes like jingle bell.our bot can play the tunes whenever the user enters it.

From this course and our project we learnt team work,communication skills ,management,programming skills,basic operations of aurdino,interfacing of aurdino MEGA 2560 with different kinds of actuators,sensors,building of an MIT app for user entry choice.Lastly we learnt the most important thing is the ethics which every engineer needs to follow when they are preparing a project. Future scope of this bot would be by playing whichever song the user wishes he/she can enter the tune via bluetooth and there is no human interference as the bot can play by itself the tunes from the written programs. we would like to thank the the faculty of engineering exploration course for giving us this kind of experience and knowledge which is essential for every engineer not only during this course but also in the future.