Installation Instructions - Ozedaval/Eye-Gaze-Technology GitHub Wiki

Below are the steps to download & install the Android application.

1. Once logged on to GitHub, When the CI tool is in the passed state, Click the green tick on the landing page. Note: if you are on your mobile phone, use the desktop mode.


2. In the popup overlay, Click on Details. .


3. Under "Artifacts", Download the "Explore_APK".


4. Unzip the downloaded content.
5. Install the apk on your android phone & run the application.
6. Alternatively, You can use an Emulator like bluestack or Android Studio's emulator in your computer. To install the apk file in bluestack, you can follow the instruction given here. You could try using a web-based Android emulator to run the app, but getting one with camera support might be hard.

For more details on installing the apk on your android phone/emulator. Refer to

If the apk can't be installed, Try uninstalling the existing version of the app. Refer to