Assets - Oxey/BattleShips GitHub Wiki

Game Assets

The following list entails what images and sounds the game will require


  • Main menu background
  • Deployment menu Image
  • Discovery stage image *this will have a grid which shots will be counted on
  • Ship Images to put over sunken ships
  • Winner screen
  • HighScores screen Image
  • Losing screen image
  • Surrender image


  • Intro Music
    • in the form of an mp3
  • Explosion sound effect
    • in the form of a .wav
  • Splash sound effect
    • in the form of a .wav
  • Sinking ship sound effect
    • in the form of a .wav
  • Winning music
    • in the form of a .wav
  • Losing music
    • in the form of a .wav
  • Loading sound effects
    • in the form of a .wav
  • End turn sequence
    • in the form of a .wav
