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Interfacing the gaming console with the TAStm32

Support for multiple consoles is accomplished in a modular fashion using RJ45 ports and cables designed by micro500. According to https://github.com/micro500/TASLink, "Cables were built with Eurocable brand CAT5 which is foil+braided shielded with a thick jacket." The design is as follows:

RJ45 should be wired as T568B

Consoles through RJ45 Pin numbering




Unlike the N64, the NES and SNES support multiple data lines. The NES supports up to 3 data lines, which are officially named D0, D3, and D4. (Don't ask me what happened to D1 and D2!) The SNES supports up to 2 data lines plus one I/O select pin, which are officially named D0, D1, and I/O. However to simplify this in the code, The three data lanes are referred to as D0, D1, and D2. For NES, D0 = D0, D1 = D3, and D2 = D4. For SNES, D0 = D0, D1 = D1, and D2 = I/O. The cables are designed accordingly. The N64, GCN, and Genesis cables have been designed to work through the RJ45 interfaces as well.

Pin Map for NUCLEO-F446RE Dev Board

Pin Map

Latest PCB, v3

PCB v3

Latest Case, v3

Case v3 Case v3 alternate angle