App User Guide - OwenKe11y/Ionic-Project-2020 GitHub Wiki

Welcome to my Mobile Applications Development project - by Owen Kelly - G00366614

This will be a quick user guide for my mobile app.
This app works best on the browser view in chrome and built in mobile view.


This app's purpose is to give the user a way to quickly navigate to different news articles from 4 different categories. The user can also login and have their name displayed on the home page as well as explore an array of articles and click into them.

Home Page

The 4 categories displayed on the home page are as follows:

  • Health
  • Sports
  • Entertainment
  • Business

Clicking on any of the tiles will redirect you to the corresponding article page.
The header also contains a log in option at the top right of the page which displays a welcome message. It also displays your name if you register.

Article Pages

The article pages display multiple headline articles relating to the specific category. There is a search function where the user can find specific articles among a vast array. When the user clicks on an article the In App Browser will be activated so the user can quickly make his/her way back to the app.


The Plugin used in this app was the In App Browser when an article is clicked.
I also used two way data binding by passing the URL from each article page and passing it into my in app browser.
I took JSON data from
The App navigates to 5 different page and back buttons have been added to each. The data entered into the log in page is displayed in the console and your first name is displayed on the top beside the "Welcome" label.