Tutorial 2 ‐ aircraft (Lua) - Outerra/anteworld GitHub Wiki

Tutorial on how to make basic aircraft (Diamond DA40-NG) using Lua.


You can find the files belonging to this tutorial and complete code in Outerra/anteworld "Code" section in "Tutorials/example_models_lua/packages/tutorial_aircraft_lua" folder.

You can find information about aircraft interface on Outerra/anteworld wiki in aircraft interface.

You can also find more information in previous Lua tutorial ( Tutorial 1 ‐ car (lua) ).

Warning: aircraft interface does not contain "simulation_step" function.

Aircraft configuration files

If you are unfamiliar with creating flight model configuration files for your aircraft, you can use Aeromatic.

For more information about using aeromatic, see JSBSim & Aeromatic.

Note: using Aeromatic is not recommended, as it doesn't provide accurate aircraft configurations, but for now, it may serve as a useful starting point for generating aircraft configurations, especially for beginners or those looking to quickly get started with aircraft in Outerra.

Mod files

For a tutorial on mod files, please refer to mod files tutorial.

Warning: mods working with models (in this case, we are working with Diamond DA40-NG model), need to have the files located under "packages" folder (example: Outerra World Sandbox\mods\example_models_lua\packages\tutorial_aircraft_lua)

In .lua script

It is needed to implement interface, to be able to use interface functionality (in this case ot.aircraft_script), such as "init_chassis", "initialize", "update_frame" etc.


Initialize PI (will be used for joint rotation)

PI = 3.14159265358979323846;

Initialize global variables

-- Bones
bones = {
    propeller = -1,
    wheel_front = -1,
    wheel_right = -1,
    wheel_left = -1,
    elevator_right = -1,
    elevator_left = -1,
    rudder = -1,
    aileron_right = -1,
    aileron_left = -1,
    rudder_pedal_left = -1,
    rudder_pedal_right = -1,
    brake_pedal_left = -1,
    brake_pedal_right = -1,
    throttle_handle = -1,
    flap_left = -1,
    flap_right = -1,  

-- Meshes
meshes = {
    prop_blur = -1,
    blade_one = -1,
    blade_two = -1,
    blade_three = -1,

-- Sounds 
sounds = {
    rumble = -1,
    eng_int = -1,
    eng_ext = -1,
    prop_int = -1,
    prop_ext = -1,

-- Sound sources
let sources = {
    rumble_int = -1,
    rumble_ext = -1,
    eng_int = -1,
    eng_ext = -1,
    prop_int = -1,
    prop_ext = -1,

Created function clamp

Function used to clamp values.

function clamp(val, min, max) 
	if val < min then return min; 
	elseif val > max then return max; 
	else return val end;

Create function engine

Function will be used to start/stop the engine.

function engine()
    -- toggle the value every time this function is called 
    self.started = not self.started;
    if self.started == true then
        -- For JSBSim aircraft to start, the starter and magneto needs to be activated
        -- Turn on engine (0 - turn off, 1 - turn on)
        self.jsbsim:set_property('propulsion/starter_cmd', 1);
        -- debug tip: when the magneto isn't activated, it results in decreased piston engine power, with the rpm not exceeding 1000
        self.jsbsim:set_property('propulsion/magneto_cmd', 1);
        self.jsbsim:set_property('propulsion/starter_cmd', 0);
        self.jsbsim:set_property('propulsion/magneto_cmd', 0);

"jsbsim:set_property(property, value)" is used, to set property (belonging to JSBSim interface) to given value.

For information on JSBSim, visit the JSBSim & Aeromatic page.

For a list of usable JSBSim properties, refer to the JSBSim properties page.

Debug tip: when the magneto isn't activated, it results in decreased piston engine power, with the rpm not exceeding 1000.

Create function landing_lights_action

Function will be used to turn on/off the landing lights.

function landing_lights_action(self, v)  
    self:light_mask( 0x3, v > 0);

Create function nav_lights_action

Function will be used to turn on/off the navigation lights.

function nav_lights_action(self, v) 
	self:light_mask( 0x3,v > 0, self.nav_light_offset)

Create function aileron_action

Function will be used to control the ailerons.

function aileron_action(self, v) 
    self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/aileron-cmd-norm', v);

Create function elevator_action

Function will be used to control the elevator.

function elevator_action(self, v)
    self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/elevator-cmd-norm', -v);

Create function brake_action

Function will be used to control the brake.

function brake_action(self, v)
    self.braking = v;
    self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/center-brake-cmd-norm', v);
    self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/left-brake-cmd-norm', v);
    self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/right-brake-cmd-norm', v);

Create function init_chassis

This function is invoked once, to define the chassis for all instances.

Note: init_chassis, initialize and update_frame functions are functions belonging to "ot.aircraft_script" interface, therefore it is needed to use following syntax: ot.aircraft_script:function_name(parameters)

function ot.aircraft_script:init_chassis()


In function init_chassis

Get joints/bones

bones.propeller = self:get_joint_id('propel');
bones.wheel_right = self:get_joint_id('right_wheel');
bones.wheel_front = self:get_joint_id('front_wheel');
bones.wheel_left = self:get_joint_id('left_wheel');
bones.elevator_right = self:get_joint_id('elevator_right'); 
bones.elevator_left = self:get_joint_id('elevator_left');
bones.rudder = self:get_joint_id('rudder');
bones.aileron_right = self:get_joint_id('aileron_right'); 
bones.aileron_left = self:get_joint_id('aileron_left');
bones.flap_left = self:get_joint_id('flap_left');
bones.flap_right = self:get_joint_id('flap_right');
bones.rudder_pedal_left = self:get_joint_id('rudder_pedal_left');
bones.rudder_pedal_right = self:get_joint_id('rudder_pedal_right');
bones.brake_pedal_left = self:get_joint_id('brake_pedal_left');
bones.brake_pedal_right = self:get_joint_id('brake_pedal_right');
bones.throttle_handle = self:get_joint_id('throttle_lever');

Get meshes, for that use function "get_mesh_id"

parameter: - mesh name.

Note: you can find model meshes in "Scene editor"->"Entity properties"->"Visual LODs".

meshes.prop_blur = self:get_mesh_id('propel_blur');
meshes.blade_one = self:get_mesh_id('main_blade_01#0@0');
meshes.blade_two = self:get_mesh_id('main_blade_02#0@0');
meshes.blade_three = self:get_mesh_id('main_blade_03#0@0');

Add lights

-- Landing lights
local light_params = {color = {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}, angle = 100, size = 0.1, edge = 0.25, intensity = 5, fadeout = 0.05};
self:add_spot_light({x = 4.5, y = 1.08, z = 0.98}, {x = -0.1, y = 1, z = 0.3}, light_params);
self:add_spot_light({x = -4.5, y = 1.08, z = 0.98}, {x = 0.1, y = 1, z = 0.3}, light_params);

-- Navigation lights
light_params = {color = {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0}, size = 0.035, edge = 1, range = 0.0001, intensity = 20, fadeout = 0.1};
self.nav_light_offset =
--Right green navigation light
self:add_point_light({x = 5.08, y = 0.18, z = 1.33}, light_params);
-- Left red navigation light
light_params.color = {x = 1, y = 0, z = 0};
self:add_point_light({x = -5.08, y = 0.18, z = 1.33}, light_params);

Load sounds

-- engine rumble - in this case it's used for the outside sounds and also the inside
sounds.rumble = self:load_sound("Sounds/engine/engn1.ogg");
-- Interior sounds - will be heard from inside the plane
    -- engine
    sounds.eng_ext = self:load_sound("Sounds/engine/engn1_out.ogg");
    -- propeller
    sounds.prop_ext = self:load_sound("Sounds/engine/prop1_out.ogg");

-- Exterior sounds - will be heard from outside the plane 
    -- engine
    sounds.eng_int = self:load_sound("Sounds/engine/engn1_inn.ogg"); 
    -- propeller
    sounds.prop_int = self:load_sound("Sounds/engine/prop1_out.ogg");    

Add sound emitters

-- Interior emitters
    -- For interior rumbling sound
    sources.rumble_int = self:add_sound_emitter_id(bones.propeller, -1, 0.5);
    -- For interior engine sounds
    sources.eng_int = self:add_sound_emitter_id(bones.propeller, -1, 0.5);
    -- For interior propeller sounds
    sources.prop_int = self:add_sound_emitter_id(bones.propeller, -1, 0.5);
-- Exterior emitters
    -- For exterior rumbling sound
    sources.rumble_ext = self:add_sound_emitter_id(bones.propeller, 1, 3);
    -- For exterior engine sounds 
    sources.eng_ext = self:add_sound_emitter_id(bones.propeller, 1, 3);
    -- For exterior propeller sounds 
    sources.prop_ext = self:add_sound_emitter_id(bones.propeller, 1, 3);

Note: it is possible, to use one emitter for interior and exterior, like in previous tutorial.

Add action handlers

self:register_axis("air/lights/landing_lights", {minval = 0, maxval = 1, vel = 10, center = 0 }, landing_lights_action );
self:register_axis("air/lights/nav_lights", {minval = 0, maxval = 1, vel = 10, center = 0 }, nav_lights_action );
self:register_event("air/engines/on", engine);
self:register_axis("air/controls/aileron", { minval = -1, maxval = 1, center = 0.5, vel = 0.5, positions = 0 }, aileron_action );
self:register_axis("air/controls/elevator", { minval = -1, maxval = 1, center = 0.5, vel = 0.5, positions = 0 }, elevator_action );
self:register_axis("air/controls/brake", { minval = 0}, brake_action );

Note: by default, JSBSim actions are handled internally, allowing gameplay without direct user intervention. However, sometimes it is needed to customize or fine-tune aircraft behavior, therefore in this case, the engine, ailerons and elevator functionality is handled in script

Create function initialize

Function "initialize" is used to define per-instance parameters (same as "init_vehicle" function in vehicle interface)

function ot.aircraft_script:initialize()


In function initialize

Get geomob interface

self.geom = self:get_geomob(0);

Get JSBSim interface, to be able to work with JSBSim properties

self.jsbsim = self:jsb();

Get sound interface

self.snd = self:sound();

Set first person camera position

self:set_fps_camera_pos({x = 0, y = 1, z = 1.4});

Set initial values

self.started = false;
self.braking = 0;
-- JSBSim properties
-- Turn off engine (commands are normalized)
self.jsbsim:set_property('propulsion/starter_cmd', 0);
-- Turn off magneto
self.jsbsim:set_property('propulsion/magneto_cmd', 0);
-- Set initial throttle value to 0 
self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/throttle-cmd-norm[0]', 0);
-- Set initial throttle value to 0 
self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/mixture-cmd-norm', 0);
-- Set initial right brake value to 0 
self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/right-brake-cmd-norm', 0);
-- Set initial left brake value to 0 
self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/left-brake-cmd-norm', 0);

Set default pitch value for sound emitters

self.snd:set_pitch(sources.rumble_ext, 1);
self.snd:set_pitch(sources.rumble_int, 1);
self.snd:set_pitch(sources.eng_ext, 1);
self.snd:set_pitch(sources.eng_int, 1);
self.snd:set_pitch(sources.prop_ext, 1);
self.snd:set_pitch(sources.prop_int, 1);

Set default gain value for sound emitters

self.snd:set_gain(sources.rumble_ext, 1);
self.snd:set_gain(sources.rumble_int, 1);
self.snd:set_gain(sources.eng_ext, 1);
self.snd:set_gain(sources.eng_int, 1);
self.snd:set_gain(sources.prop_ext, 1);
self.snd:set_gain(sources.prop_int, 1);

Create function update_frame

This function is called each frame.

Note: function "update_frame" in "ot.aircraft_script" interface receives only the "dt" (delta time) parameter.

function ot.aircraft_script:update_frame(dt)


In function update_frame

Get values from JSBSim properties "jsbsim:get_property(property)" is used, to get JSBSim property value

-- Get engine rpm from JSBSim
local propeller_rpm = self.jsbsim:get_property('propulsion/engine[0]/propeller-rpm');
-- Get wheel speed from JSBSim
local wheel_speed = self.jsbsim:get_property('gear/unit[0]/wheel-speed-fps');
-- Get elevator rotation in radians
local elev_pos_rad = self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/elevator-pos-rad');

Rotate & move joints

self.geom:rotate_joint(bones.propeller, dt * (2 * PI) * (propeller_rpm), {y = 1});
self.geom:rotate_joint(bones.wheel_front, dt * PI * (wheel_speed / 5), {x = -1});
self.geom:rotate_joint(bones.wheel_right, dt * PI * (wheel_speed / 5), {x = -1});
self.geom:rotate_joint(bones.wheel_left, dt * PI * (wheel_speed / 5), {x = -1});
-- rotate_joint_orig - rotate to given angle (from default orientation)
self.geom:rotate_joint_orig(bones.elevator_right, elev_pos_rad, {x = 1});
self.geom:rotate_joint_orig(bones.elevator_left, elev_pos_rad, {x = 1});
self.geom:rotate_joint_orig(bones.rudder, self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/rudder-pos-rad'), {z = -1});
self.geom:rotate_joint_orig(bones.aileron_right, self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/right-aileron-pos-rad'), {x = -1});
self.geom:rotate_joint_orig(bones.aileron_left, self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/left-aileron-pos-rad'), {x = 1});
self.geom:rotate_joint_orig(bones.flap_left, self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/flap-pos-rad'), {x = 1,y = 0,z = 0});
self.geom:rotate_joint_orig(bones.flap_right, self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/flap-pos-rad'), {x = 1,y = 0,z = 0});
self.geom:rotate_joint_orig(bones.brake_pedal_left, self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/left-brake-cmd-norm') * 0.7, {x = -1});
self.geom:rotate_joint_orig(bones.brake_pedal_right, self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/right-brake-cmd-norm') * 0.7, {x = -1});

-- Rudder has 2 pedals for turning, therefore depending on the rudder position value from JSBSim, the left or right pedal will move
if self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/rudder-pos-rad') > 0 then
    self.geom:move_joint_orig(bones.rudder_pedal_left, {y = (self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/rudder-pos-rad')/5)} );
elseif self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/rudder-pos-rad') < 0 then
    self.geom:move_joint_orig(bones.rudder_pedal_right, {y = -(self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/rudder-pos-rad')/5)} );

Move throttle handle, depending on the throttle command value

self.geom:move_joint_orig(bones.throttle_handle, {y = (self.jsbsim:get_property('fcs/throttle-cmd-norm[0]') / 7)});

Note: in this case the pitch/roll handle rotates without the need of scripting, because it's binded with inputs in the model.

Use "set_mesh_visible_id" function, to set propeller blur mesh visible, when condition is true and invisible otherwise.

1.parameter - mesh ID.

2.parameter - condition.

self.geom:set_mesh_visible_id(meshes.prop_blur, propeller_rpm > 200.0);
self.geom:set_mesh_visible_id(meshes.blade_one, propeller_rpm < 300.0);
self.geom:set_mesh_visible_id(meshes.blade_two, propeller_rpm < 300.0);
self.geom:set_mesh_visible_id(meshes.blade_three, propeller_rpm < 300.0);

When engine runs, control sounds, based on the camera position & sound effects, based on engine RPM.

if propeller_rpm > 0 then
  -- Interior
    if self:get_camera_mode() == 0 then 	
        -- Turn off the exterior emitters, when player camera is inside the plane
	-- Calculate and set pitch for interior engine emitter (clamped between 1 and 2)
	self.snd:set_pitch(sources.eng_int, clamp(1 + propeller_rpm/4000, 1, 2));
	-- Calculate and set gain for interior engine emitter (clamped between 0 and 0.5)
	self.snd:set_gain(sources.eng_int, clamp(propeller_rpm/5000, 0, 0.5));
        -- If there is no sound already playing on given emitter, play loop
	if self.snd:is_playing(sources.eng_int) == false then 
	    -- Play interior engine sound in a loop
	    self.snd:play_loop(sources.eng_int, sounds.eng_int);
	-- Set gain for interior propeller emitter
	self.snd:set_gain(sources.prop_int, clamp(propeller_rpm/7000, 0, 0.5));
	if self.snd:is_playing(sources.prop_int) == false then 
	    -- Play interior propeller sound in a loop
	    self.snd:play_loop(sources.prop_int, sounds.prop_int);
	-- Set gain for interior rumble emitter
	self.snd:set_gain (sources.rumble_int, clamp(propeller_rpm/6000, 0, 0.5));
        if self.snd:is_playing(sources.rumble_int) == false then
	    -- Play rumble sound in a loop on interior emitter
	    self.snd:play_loop(sources.rumble_int, sounds.rumble);
  -- Exterior
        -- Turn off the interior emitters, when camera is outside the plane
	-- Set pitch for exterior engine emitter
	self.snd:set_pitch(sources.eng_ext, clamp(1 + propeller_rpm/1000, 1, 3));
        -- Set gain for exterior engine emitter
	self.snd:set_gain (sources.eng_ext, clamp(propeller_rpm/450, 0.05, 2));
        if self.snd:is_playing(sources.eng_ext) == false then 
            -- Play exterior engine sound in a loop
	    self.snd:play_loop(sources.eng_ext, sounds.eng_ext);
        -- Set gain for exterior propeller emitter
        self.snd:set_gain (sources.prop_ext, clamp(propeller_rpm/900, 0, 2));
        if self.snd:is_playing(sources.prop_ext) == false then 
	    -- Play exterior propeller sound in a loop
	    self.snd:play_loop(sources.prop_ext, sounds.prop_ext);
	-- Set gain for exterior rumble emitter
	self.snd:set_gain (sources.rumble_ext, clamp(propeller_rpm/1200, 0, 2));
	if self.snd:is_playing(sources.rumble_ext) == false then
	    -- Play rumble sound in a loop on exterior emitter
	    self.snd:play_loop(sources.rumble_ext, sounds.rumble);
    -- Stop all sounds playing on given emitters, when engine is turned off and propeller stops rotating

Apply parking brake when in idle state

if self.started == false and propeller_rpm < 5 then
    self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/center-brake-cmd-norm', 1);
    self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/left-brake-cmd-norm', 1);
    self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/right-brake-cmd-norm', 1);
elseif self.braking < 0.1 then
    self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/center-brake-cmd-norm', 0);
    self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/left-brake-cmd-norm', 0);
    self.jsbsim:set_property('fcs/right-brake-cmd-norm', 0);