Entity properties - Outerra/anteworld GitHub Wiki
If you want to open this tab, go to F9 -> Plugins -> Entity properties (model has to be selected).
Entity properties panel allows you to view the properties of an entity within the game, where:
- Entity ID - the unique identifier for the entity.
- Visible - checkbox to toggle the entity's visibility (when you set the entity to be invisible, it will also deactivate the collisions)
- URL - the path to the entity's objdef file.
- Category - defines the type or category of the entity.
- States - Permanent - saved to cache - Static - part of the tile data - Dynamic - if true, collider is in global broadphase, else in tile broadphase
- ECEF - coordinates in the Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) reference frame.
- Heading pitch roll - orientation of the entity in degrees.
- Elevation - elevation of the entity.
- Pivot - pivot point coordinates relative to the entity.
- OBB's half vector - the half vector of the Oriented Bounding Box (OBB) which represents the extents of the entity.
- Scale - scale factor of the entity.
- Children - list of children objects.
- Visual LODs - list of meshes.
- Collision Meshes - list of collision meshes.
- Skeleton - list of bones/joints, creating the skeleton of the entity.
- Bone attributes - list of knobs (bones related to interactive controls), and their attributes.
- Navigation mesh - list of navigation meshes.
Visual LODs has options, to control the visibility and shadows of the meshes. Each mesh can be toggled to be visible or invisible, and similarly, shadows can be turned on or off.
Meshes are grouped according to their LOD (Level of Detail) quality.
Note: turning off the visibility does not deactivate the collisions.
In the Skeleton, each bone is represented with a unique identifier (enclosed in square brackets, e.g. [1]) and a child bone count (enclosed in parentheses, e.g. (1).
- [1]brake_light_0(1)
This notation indicates that the bone has a unique ID of 1 and contains one child bone.
Example of child bone:
- [39]brake_light_0_end
In this example, the bone [1]brake_light_0(1) includes the sub-bone [39]brake_light_0_end.
Bone attributes contains attributes of each knob (bone), that can be used for interactive control.
for more info see Interactive elements and Vehicle-IK