Brejlovec ‐ interaction guide - Outerra/anteworld GitHub Wiki


Brejlovec can be used in classic mode (keyboard + mouse or joystick) or in VR interactive mode.

VR interactive mode

Activate station


First of all, you have to activate the station with the [AKTIVACE STANOVIŠTĚ] switch by turning it to position "1".

When the station is active, you can start the locomotive or control lights.

Startup procedure

To start the locomotive, you have to first switch the [REŽIM LOKO] to "TRAKCE" and then start the "master" engine with the [LOKOMOTIVA 1] green button.

Note: [LOKOMOTIVA 2] will be used for "slave" engine, but it is not yet implemented.

Next set the direction by pressing directional button, either backward by pressing [SMĚR VZAD] or forward by pressing [SMĚR VPŘED].

Control element Active position
LOKOMOTIVA 1 Green button pressed

Accelerate/brake controls


When all the elements mentioned above are set to active position, the locomotive is ready to move.

Position Functionality
+ (upper) Accumulate propulsive force
Hold propulsive force
0 Release propulsive/brake force
Hold brake force
+ (lower) Accumulate brake force

You can accelerate by dragging the [OVLADAČ TRAKCE] handle to upper "+" position (farther from driver seat).

While in this position, the propulsive force will accumulate. After the power is accumulated, you can move the handle to position "↑" (arrow up), or you can release the handle and it will move to this position by itself.

While in "↑" (arrow up) position, the accumulated propulsive force will remain constant, keeping the train going in the direction you have set.

When you move the handle to position "0", the propulsive force will be released.

[OVLADAČ TRAKCE] also works as brake, when you drag the handle to the lower "+" position (closer to driver seat ). This will activate the electrodynamic brake. This braking part behaves the same way as the acceleration part.

In "+" position, the brake force will accumulate, in "↓" (arrow down) position, brake force will remain and in the "0" position, the brake force will be released.


Brake controlled by this handle is used as addition to the electrodynamic brake.

While the electrodynamic brake affects only locomotive, this brake affects the train set.

If this brake is set without the electrodynamic brake, the electrodynamic brake is activated automatically.


Position Functionality
O2 Release brakes
O1 Reduce brake force
X Hold brake force
B1 Accumulate brake force
B2 Set maximal brake force

This handle is used in case of insufficient brake force, or when previous brakes are affected by failure.


Brejlovec has 5 lights on each side (not counting the cabin lights), where the lower outer lights are used as headlights and taillights, and the lower inner lights together with the upper light are used as reflectors.

Note: All these lights (except cabin lights) work only, when the station is active (using [AKTIVACE STANOVIŠTĚ] switch)

Light switches


There are 4 switches for headlights and taillights: [PŘEDNÍ POZIČNÍ L] - front left light (outer) [PŘEDNÍ POZIČNÍ P] - front right light (outer) [ZADNÍ POZIČNÍ L] - rear left light (outer) [ZADNÍ POZIČNÍ P] - rear right light (outer)

Each of these lights can have different setup depending on the light switch position:

Position Functionality
B Turns light ON and set white color
0 Turns light OFF
Č Turns light ON and set red color


Cabin lights

In cabin, there are 2 lights, which are controlled by the [OSVĚTLENÍ STANOVIŠTE] switch:

Positions Functionality
1/2 Emergency cabin light
0 Cabin lights turned OFF
1/1 Cabin light


Upper and lower reflector lights are controlled by the [POZIČNÍ REFLEKTORY] switch:

Position Functionality
0 All reflectors are turned OFF
HORNÍ POZIČNÍ Upper reflector is turned ON
HOR. POZIČNÍ + DOLNÍ REF. Lower reflectors are turned ON
TROJUHELNÍK REF. All reflectors are turned ON



The [HOUKAČKA] button is used to sound the horn.