Aircraft_script - Outerra/anteworld GitHub Wiki


Models imported as aircraft can be bound to a particular JSBSim FDM and given a script to handle the animation of their parts according to the corresponding JSBSim properties. The assignment is done in the model's objdef file by adding the following lines:

"physics" : "jsbsim/c172r",
"script" : "c172.aircraft.js",
  • "physics" - refers to the JSBSim configuration file, found in the program directory under the jsbsim folder.
  • "script" - refers to a custom javascript file in the model directory that will be handling model animations, sounds and binding of the inputs to the underlying JSBSim model.

Aircraft script

Aircraft script, referenced from .objdef file of a model, is used to define the link between the JSBSim model, 3D model and the input system.

The script should define two functions that are invoked internally: initialize(reload) and update_frame(dt). Initialize() with reload=false is called before any other call to the script. It's expected that the script global variables are set up here. The update_frame() event is called each frame to handle the internal state of the model instance.

When these events are invoked, their this parameter is actually a reference to Outerra's internal aircraft interface, that provides several methods that can be invoked via this.method() call.

Aircraft Interface

The aircraft interface defines the following methods and events:

Type Name Parameters Parameter Description Returns Description
method get_objdef_params - - return: objdef parameters Get the objdef parameters associated with the vehicle.
method resolve_path ot::path_rel_to ref
const coid::token& path
ifc_out coid::charstr& dst
ref: The reference path
path: The relative path
dst: The resolved path
return: false on argument error Resolve relative path.
method get_geomob int id (default: 0) id: Object ID return: geomob object Get geomob.
method get_objdef_info ifc_out ot::pkginfo::obj& info info: Object definition information return: objdef information Get objdef information.
method get_objdef_param const coid::token& key
const coid::token& group (default: coid::token())
key: Key of the parameter
group: Group of the parameter
return: parameter value Get parameter from objdef.
method get_collision_group ifc_out uint* mask mask: Optional mask value return: collision group Get the collision group.
method set_collision_group uint group
uint mask
group: Collision group ID
mask: Collision mask
- Set the collision group.
method fade const coid::token& text text: Message to post to the fading log - Posts a message to the fading log.
method get_camera_mode - - return: camera mode Get the camera mode.
method get_custom_data_value - - return: custom data value Get the custom data value.
method heading_pitch_roll - - return: float3 Get heading/pitch/roll angles of the object in radians.
method extra_force const float3& mpos
const float3& force
bool worldspace (default: false)
mpos: Model-space position to act on
force: Model or world-space force vector
worldspace: True for world-space force vector
- Add extra force to be applied to the object.
method extra_impulse const float3& mpos
const float3& impulse
bool worldspace (default: false)
mpos: Model-space position to act on
impulse: Model or world-space force impulse vector
worldspace: True for world-space force vector
- Apply extra force impulse (force * dt), one-time impulse, non-persistent.
method get_joint_id const coid::token& name name: Bone name return: joint/bone id or -1 if doesn't exist Get joint/bone id for given bone name.
method get_mesh_id const coid::token& name
uint8 lod_group (default: 0xff)
uint8 mat_group (default: 0xff)
name: Mesh name
lod_group: LOD group for given base name
mat_group: Material group for given base name
return: mesh id for given params or -1 if doesn't exist Get mesh id for given params or -1 if doesn't exist.
method fire const float3& pos
const float3& dir
float speed
float caliber
const float3& color
uint joint (default: pkg::InvalidBoneId)
pos: Model-space launch position
dir: Model-space launch direction
speed: Firing velocity in m/s
caliber: Diameter of the ray [m]
color: Plasma color
joint: Bone id to attach to
- Fire a colored plasma thing.
method explode_ground const ot::ground_explosion& ge ge: Explosion parameters - Explode ground at model position.
method elevation_test const float3& pos
float maxdist
float negdist (default: -FLT_MIN)
uint joint (default: pkg::InvalidBoneId)
pos: Model-space position
maxdist: Max distance/height to check
negdist: Max negative distance to test
joint: Bone id to be relative to
return: height above terrrain or >= maxdist if no hit, <= negdist if under terrain Elevation test.
method elevation_test_ext const float3& pos
float maxdist
float negdist (default: -FLT_MIN)
ifc_out ot::hitpoint* hp (default: 0)
ot::hit_flags hpflags (default: {.hit = true, .normal = true})
uint joint (default: pkg::InvalidBoneId)
pos: Model-space position
maxdist: Max distance/height to check
negdist: Max negative distance to test
hp: Hitpoint result
hpflags: Query flags
joint: Bone id to be relative to
return: height above terrrain or >= maxdist if no hit, <= negdist if under terrain Elevation test with extended info.
method ray_test const float3& pos
const float3& dir
float maxdist
float negdist (default: -FLT_MIN)
ifc_out ot::hitpoint* hp (default: 0)
ot::hit_flags hpflags (default: {.hit = true, .normal = true})
uint joint (default: pkg::InvalidBoneId)
pos: Model-space (or bone-space) position
dir: Model-space (or bone-space) ray direction
maxdist: Max distance/height to check
negdist: Max negative distance to test
hp: Hitpoint result
hpflags: Query flags
joint: Bone id to be relative to
return: intersection distance or >= maxdist if no hit, <= negdist if under terrain Test if ray from model intersects with terrain.
method object_test const float3& pos
const float3& dir
float maxdist
ifc_out ot::hitpoint* hp (default: 0)
ot::hit_flags hpflags (default: {.hit = true, .normal = true, .objects = true, .dynamic = true, .selftest = false})
uint joint (default: pkg::InvalidBoneId)
pos: Model-space (or bone-space) position
dir: Model-space (or bone-space) ray direction
maxdist: Max ray distance to check
hp: Hitpoint result
hpflags: Query flags
joint: Bone id to be relative to
return: object hit Test if ray from model hits an object.
method attach_object const irefot::object& obj
uint joint_id
const float3& pos
const quat& rot
uint custom_id
obj: Object to attach
joint_id: Bone id
pos: Relative attachment offset
rot: Relative attachment rotation
custom_id: ID to identify the attached object when detaching
- Attach object.
method detach_object uint custom_id
bool activate
custom_id: ID set previously by attach_geom
activate: Activate object (if it's not a static one)
return: detached object, if found Detach specified object.
method detach_ot_object const irefot::object& object
bool activate
object: Attached object
activate: Activate object (if it's not a static one)
return: true if successful Detach specified object.
method set_fps_camera_pos const float3& pos
uint joint_id (default: UMAX32)
ot::EJointRotationMode joint_rotation (default: ot::JointRotModeEnable)
pos: Model space position
joint_id: Joint ID
joint_rotation: Joint rotation mode
- Set model space position for FPS camera.
method set_fps_camera_rot const quat& rot
ot::ERotationMode mouse_rotation
rot: Model space rotation
mouse_rotation: Mouse rotation mode: 0 freeze, 1 reset & disable, 2 enable, 3 reset & enable
- Set model space rotation frame.
method set_fps_camera_fov float hfov
float vfov (default: 0)
hfov: Horizontal FOV in degrees, 0 to reset to the default one
vfov: Optional vertical FOV in degrees, otherwise computed from aspect ratio
- Set FOV to chassis FPS preset and current camera if vehicle is entered and FPS camera is active.
method get_fps_camera_pos - - return: current FPS camera position Get current FPS camera position.
method get_fps_camera_rot bool base (default: false) base: True for the base orientation frame, false for current camera orientation as altered by mouse return: current FPS camera rotation in model space Get current FPS camera rotation in model space.
method get_fps_camera_fov - - return: FPS camera preset FOV for this chassis Get FPS camera preset FOV for this chassis.
method set_fps_camera_ypr float yaw
float pitch
float roll
ot::ERotationMode mouse_rotation
yaw: Yaw angle in radians, positive values to the right
pitch: Pitch angle in radians, positive up
roll: Roll angle in radians, positive clockwise
mouse_rotation: Mouse rotation mode: 0 freeze, 1 reset & disable, 2 enable, 3 reset & enable
- Set model space orientation for FPS camera.
method get_fps_camera_ypr bool base (default: false) base: True for the base orientation frame, false for current camera orientation as altered by mouse return: current yaw/pitch/roll angles of the camera in model space in radians Get current yaw/pitch/roll angles of the camera in model space.
method set_fps_camera_tracking_point const double3& target
bool level_horizon
target: ECEF coordinates of the point
level_horizon: Keep horizon level (roll the camera)
true if tracking was enabled, false if center wasn't on terrain or the current camera mode is not FPS Enable tracking of world point.
method set_fps_camera_tracking bool level_horizon level_horizon: Keep horizon level (roll the camera) true if tracking was enabled, false if center wasn't on terrain or the current camera mode is not FPS Enable tracking of the current world point (in screen center).
method set_fps_camera_tracking_off - - - Disable tracking.
method sound - - return: of::snd_group interface Get sound interface.
method register_handler_ext const coid::token& name
uint group (default: 0)
name: Hierarchic action name, file/group/action
group: Activation group where the action is assigned (can be enabled/disabled together)
return: slot id or -1 on fail Register action handler for an existing knob.
method register_event_ext const coid::token& name
bool release_event
uint group (default: 0)
name: Hierarchic action name, file/group/action
release_event: True if handler should also receive release events (if bound to key)
group: Activation group where the action is assigned (can be enabled/disabled together)
return: slot id or -1 on fail Register event action handler.
method register_axis_ext const coid::token& name
const ot::ramp_params& ramp
uint group (default: 0)
name: Hierarchic action name, file/group/action
ramp: Value limiter parameters (ignored for buttons)
group: Activation group where the action is assigned (can be enabled/disabled together)
return: slot id or -1 on fail Register axis action handler.
method register_handler const coid::token& name
ot::fn_event_action&& handler
int handler_id (default: 0)
uint group (default: 0)
name: Hierarchic action name
handler: Handler for changed value
handler_id: Optional extra data for the handler
group: Activation group where the action is assigned (can be enabled/disabled together)
return: slot id or -1 on fail Register input action for an existing knob, create new using def_ramp if doesn't exist.
method register_handler_default const coid::token& name
ot::fn_event_action&& handler
const ot::ramp_params& def_ramp
int handler_id (default: 0)
const float* def_val (default: nullptr)
uint group (default: 0)
name: Hierarchic action name
handler: Handler for changed value
def_ramp: Action options to use if knob wasn't found, if nullptr do not create
handler_id: Optional extra data for the handler
def_val: Optional default action value
group: Activation group where the action is assigned (can be enabled/disabled together)
return: slot id or -1 on fail Register input action for an existing knob, if doesn't exist create new if def_ramp.
method register_axis_handler const coid::token& name
ot::fn_axis_action&& handler
const ot::ramp_params& ramp
int handler_id (default: 0)
const float* def_val (default: nullptr)
uint group (default: 0)
name: Hierarchic action name
handler: Optional handler for changed value
handler_id: Optional extra data for the handler
def_val: Optional default action value
ramp: Value limiter parameters
group: Activation group where the action is assigned (can be enabled/disabled together)
return: slot id or -1 on fail Register input action sending events on value change (full state button and axis).
method register_event_handler const coid::token& name
ot::fn_event_action&& handler
int handler_id (default: 0)
uint group (default: 0)
uint extra_channels (default: 0)
name: Hierarchic action name
handler: Optional handler for changed value
handler_id: Optional extra data for the handler
extra_channels: Number of extra channels that are handled (multiple engines etc)
group: Activation group where the action is assigned (can be enabled/disabled together)
return: slot id or -1 on fail Register input action sending events on button press (value > 0).
method action_group uint group
bool activate
group: Group ID
activate: Activate/deactivate the group
- Activate or deactivate given action group.
method set_center_value int action
float center
action: Action ID
center: Center value, will be clamped to minval..maxval range
- Set the value to center to, default 0.
method set_action_value int action
float value
bool hold
action: Action ID
value: Action value, will be clamped to minval..maxval range
hold: True if the value should be held (disabled centering)
- Set action value.
method set_instant_action_value int action
float value
bool notify
action: Action ID
value: Action value, will be clamped to minval..maxval range
notify: Invoke/don't invoke the handler
- Set action value.
method add_spot_light const float3& offset
const float3& dir
const ot::light_params& lp
const coid::token& joint (default: coid::token())
offset: Model-space offset relative to the bone or model pivot
dir: Light direction
lp: Light parameters
joint: Joint name to attach the light to
return: light emitter id Define circular spotlight source. Can be called only from within init_chassis.
method add_point_light const float3& offset
const ot::light_params& lp
const coid::token& joint (default: coid::token())
offset: Model-space offset relative to the bone or model pivot
lp: Light parameters
joint: Joint name to attach the light to
return: light emitter id Define point light source. Can be called only from within init_chassis.
method light uint id
bool on
id: Light ID
on: Turn light on/off
- Turn light on/off.
method light_mask uint mask
bool on
uint offset (default: 0)
mask: Light mask
on: Turn light on/off
offset: Offset
- Turn light on/off using mask.
method light_toggle uint id id: Light ID - Toggle light.
method light_toggle_mask uint mask
uint offset (default: 0)
mask: Light mask
offset: Offset
- Toggle lights by bit mask.
method light_color uint id
const float4& color
float range (default: 0)
id: Light ID
color: Light color
range: Light range
- Set light color/intensity.
method lights_off bool instant (default: false) instant: Turn off lights instantly or not - All lights off.
method solar_time ifc_out double& time
ifc_out float& sun_coef
time: Solar time at vehicle location, in milliseconds
sun_coef: Sun position relative to horizon: 0 sun at horizon, 1 sun at zenith, -1 sun at anti-zenith
- Return current solar time and cosine of sun-zenith angle.
method add_display float width
float height
const coid::token& mesh_name
width: Width of the display
height: Height of the display
mesh_name: Name of the display's mesh in geomob
return: id of the display Add new display.
method get_display_canvas uint display_id display_id: Display ID return: display canvas Get display canvas.
method get_display_names - - return: display names Get display names.
method add_smoke_emitter const coid::token& joint
const coid::token& texture
const ot::particle_emitter_params& params
joint: Name of the joint emitter will be attached to
texture: Relative path of the texture to use as particle billboard (must be in RGBA8 dds format)
params: Emitter parameters
return: smoke emitter id Add smoke emitter.
method add_dust_emitter const coid::token& joint
const coid::token& texture
joint: Name of the joint emitter will be attached to
texture: Relative path of the texture to use
return: dust emitter id Add dust emitter.
method set_emitter_color uint emitter
ot::color color
emitter: Emitter ID
color: Particle color
- Set overall emitter alpha.
method pause_emitter uint emitter
bool pause
emitter: Handle of emitter
pause: Pause/resume
- Pause emitter.
method load_sound const coid::token& filename filename: Sound file name return: sound buffer id Load sound buffer.
method add_sound_emitter const coid::token& joint
int type (default: 0)
float ref_distance (default: 0)
joint: Bone name to attach to
type: Sound type: -1 interior only, 0 universal, 1 exterior only
ref_distance: Reference distance (saturated volume distance)
return: sound emitter id Attach sound emitter to a model joint.
method add_sound_emitter_id uint joint_id
int type (default: 0)
float ref_distance (default: 0)
joint_id: Bone ID to attach to
type: Sound type: -1 interior only, 0 universal, 1 exterior only
ref_distance: Reference distance (saturated volume distance)
return: sound emitter id Attach sound emitter to a model joint by ID.
method set_interior_sound_attenuation float att att: Attenuation value - Set attenuation for sounds coming from outside.
method fetch_controls coid::dynarray32& buf
bool append
buf: Buffer to fetch controls into
append: Append to existing buffer or not
- Fetch controls.
method apply_controls const int32* cmd
uint ncmds
cmd: Commands array
ncmds: Number of commands
- Apply controls.
method open int openid
ot::kbd_modifier modifiers
openid: ID of the openable part (script specific)
modifiers: Keyboard modifiers (LSHIFT=1, RSHIFT=2, LCTRL=4, RCTRL=8)
- Insert an open door command.
method get_animator - - return: animator component Get animator component.
method jsb - - return: ot::jsb interface Get ot::jsb interface to JSBSim instance.
method get_aircraft_data - - return: aircraft data Get aircraft data.
method reset_ic - - - Reset simulation.
method initialize_ic - - - Initialize simulation from initial conditions.
method engine_running - - return: true if running Check if engine is running.
method activate_event_group const coid::token& name name: Event group name - Activate event group.
method has_animator - - return: true if exists Check if animator component exists.
method get_animator_input_index const coid::token& input_name input_name: Name of the input defined in animation graph return: input index Get index of input by name.
method get_animator_input_float uint input_index input_index: Input index return: float value Get current input index value as float.
method get_animator_input_bool uint input_index input_index: Input index return: boolean value Get current input index value as boolean.
method get_animator_input_int uint input_index input_index: Input index return: integer value Get current input index value as integer.
method set_animator_input_float uint input_index
float value
input_index: Input index
value: Value to set
- Set current input index value as float.
method set_animator_input_bool uint input_index
bool value
input_index: Input index
value: Value to set
- Set current input index value as boolean.
method set_animator_input_int uint input_index
int value
input_index: Input index
value: Value to set
- Set current input index value as integer.
event init_chassis const coid::charstr& params params: Custom parameters from objdef return: chassis parameters Initialize chassis (shared across all aircraft instances of the same type).
event init_chassis_script const coid::charstr& params params: Custom parameters from objdef return: chassis parameters Initialize chassis using script (shared across all aircraft instances of the same type).
event update_actions_script float dt
const coid::range& actbuf
dt: Time step for the update
actbuf: Range of action buffers
- Interface event for handling aircraft state before rendering (inputs, animating joints etc).
event engine bool start start: Flag indicating whether to start or stop the engine - Start/stop engine.
event ext_param const coid::token& name
const float* value
name: Parameter name
value: Value to set, null means requesting value
return: new/existing param value Set/get externally provided parameter.
event initialize bool reload reload: True if object is being reloaded - Interface event for initialization and script reload.
event update_frame float dt dt: Time step for the update - Interface event for handling aircraft state before rendering (inputs, animating joints etc).
event force_bind_script_events - - - Force bind script events.

Example Aircraft script

let     Rotor_main_id,
// cockpit stuff
const PI        = 3.14159265358979323846;
const TWO_PI    = 6.28318530717958647692;
const DEG2RAD   = 180.0 / PI;
function initialize(reload)
    this.Geom = this.get_geomob(0); // get first geometry instance
    this.JSB  = this.jsb();         // get JSBSim interface
    Rotor_main_id = this.Geom.get_joint('rotor_main');
    Rotor_tail_id = this.Geom.get_joint('rotor_tail');
function deg2rad(angle_deg) { return (PI / 180.0) * angle_deg; }
function update_frame(dt) 
    let val;// = 300 * (1.0 / 60.0) * dt * TWO_PI;
    // main / tail rotor 
    val = this.JSB['propulsion/engine[0]/rotor-rpm'] * (1.0 / 60.0) * dt * TWO_PI;
    this.Geom.rotate_joint(Rotor_main_id, val, {x:0,y:0,z:1});
    this.Geom.rotate_joint(Rotor_tail_id, val * 4.525, {x:1,y:0,z:0});
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️