outsystems.pipeline command line reference - OutSystems/outsystems-pipeline GitHub Wiki

The following reference describes the syntax and arguments of the Python scripts included in the package outsystems.pipeline:


Obtains the full list of environments and applications on LifeTime and caches the retrieved information in the artifacts folder.

fetch_lifetime_data.py [-h] [-a ARTIFACTS]
                            -u LT_URL
                            -t LT_TOKEN
                            [-v LT_API_VERSION]
                            [-e LT_ENDPOINT]


  • -h, --help

    Show this help message and exit.

  • -a ARTIFACTS, --artifacts ARTIFACTS

    (Optional) Name of the artifacts folder. Default: "Artifacts"

  • -u LT_URL, --lt_url LT_URL

    URL of the LifeTime environment, without the API endpoint. Example: "https://<lifetime_host>"

  • -t LT_TOKEN, --lt_token LT_TOKEN

    LifeTime authentication token used in the API requests.

  • -v LT_API_VERSION, --lt_api_version LT_API_VERSION

    (Optional) LifeTime Deployment API version to use. Use 2 for OutSystems 11 and above and 1 for OutSystems 10. Default: 2

  • -e LT_ENDPOINT, --lt_endpoint LT_ENDPOINT

    (Optional) Overrides the default LifeTime API endpoint, without the version. Default: "lifetimeapi/rest"


Creates and runs a LifeTime deployment plan to deploy a set of applications from the source environment to the destination environment.

The deployment plan only includes the latest tagged versions of the applications from the source environment that do not already exist on the target environment.

deploy_latest_tags_to_target_env.py [-h] [-a ARTIFACTS]
                                         -u LT_URL
                                         -t LT_TOKEN
                                         [-v LT_API_VERSION]
                                         [-e LT_ENDPOINT]
                                         -s SOURCE_ENV
                                         -d DESTINATION_ENV
                                         -l APP_LIST
                                         [-m DEPLOY_MSG]


  • -h, --help

    Show this help message and exit.

  • -a ARTIFACTS, --artifacts ARTIFACTS

    (Optional) Name of the artifacts folder. Default: "Artifacts"

  • -u LT_URL, --lt_url LT_URL

    URL of the LifeTime environment, without the API endpoint. Example: "https://<lifetime_host>"

  • -t LT_TOKEN, --lt_token LT_TOKEN

    LifeTime authentication token used in the API requests.

  • -v LT_API_VERSION, --lt_api_version LT_API_VERSION

    (Optional) LifeTime Deployment API version to use. Use 2 for OutSystems 11 and above and 1 for OutSystems 10. Default: 2

  • -e LT_ENDPOINT, --lt_endpoint LT_ENDPOINT

    (Optional) Overrides the default LifeTime API endpoint, without the version. Default: "lifetimeapi/rest"

  • -s SOURCE_ENV, --source_env SOURCE_ENV

    Name of the source environment, as displayed on LifeTime. Example: "Development"

  • -d DESTINATION_ENV, --destination_env DESTINATION_ENV

    Name of the destination environment where to deploy the apps, as displayed on LifeTime. Example: "Regression"

  • -l APP_LIST, --app_list APP_LIST

    Comma-separated list app names to deploy. Example: "App1,App2 With Spaces,App3_With_Underscores"

  • -m DEPLOY_MSG, --deploy_msg DEPLOY_MSG

    (Optional) Note to include on the deployment plan. Default: "Automated deploy via OutSystems Pipeline"


Creates and runs a LifeTime deployment plan to deploy a set of applications from the source environment to the destination environment.

The deployment plan only includes the tagged versions of the applications from the provided Manifest (either as JSON or as file).

deploy_tags_to_target_env_with_manifest.py [-h] [-a ARTIFACTS]
                                         -u LT_URL
                                         -t LT_TOKEN
                                         [-v LT_API_VERSION]
                                         [-e LT_ENDPOINT]
                                         -s SOURCE_ENV_LABEL
                                         -d DESTINATION_ENV_LABEL
                                         [-m JSON_MANIFEST]
                                         [-f MANIFEST_FILE]


  • -h, --help

    Show this help message and exit.

  • -a ARTIFACTS, --artifacts ARTIFACTS

    (Optional) Name of the artifacts folder. Default: "Artifacts"

  • -u LT_URL, --lt_url LT_URL

    URL of the LifeTime environment, without the API endpoint. Example: "https://<lifetime_host>"

  • -t LT_TOKEN, --lt_token LT_TOKEN

    LifeTime authentication token used in the API requests.

  • -v LT_API_VERSION, --lt_api_version LT_API_VERSION

    (Optional) LifeTime Deployment API version to use. Use 2 for OutSystems 11 and above and 1 for OutSystems 10. Default: 2

  • -e LT_ENDPOINT, --lt_endpoint LT_ENDPOINT

    (Optional) Overrides the default LifeTime API endpoint, without the version. Default: "lifetimeapi/rest"

  • -s SOURCE_ENV_LABEL, --source_env_label SOURCE_ENV_LABEL

    Label, as configured in the manifest, of the source environment where the apps are.


    Label, as configured in the manifest, of the destination environment where you want to deploy the apps.

  • -i, --include_test_apps

    Flag that indicates if applications marked as "Test Application" in the manifest are included in the deployment plan.

  • -m JSON_MANIFEST, --trigger_manifest JSON_MANIFEST

    Manifest artifact (in JSON format) received when the pipeline is triggered. Contains required data used throughout the pipeline execution.

  • -f MANIFEST_FILE, --manifest_file MANIFEST_FILE

    Manifest file (with JSON format). Contains required data used throughout the pipeline execution.


Obtains the list of BDD Framework endpoints for a set of applications and stores the retrieved information in the artifacts folder.

generate_unit_testing_assembly.py [-h] [-a ARTIFACTS]
                                       -l APP_LIST
                                       --cicd_probe_env CICD_PROBE_ENV
                                       [--cicd_probe_api CICD_PROBE_API]
                                       [--cicd_probe_version CICD_PROBE_VERSION]
                                       --bdd_framework_env BDD_FRAMEWORK_ENV
                                       [--bdd_framework_api BDD_FRAMEWORK_API]
                                       [--bdd_framework_version BDD_FRAMEWORK_VERSION]


  • -h, --help

    Show this help message and exit.

  • -a ARTIFACTS, --artifacts ARTIFACTS

    (Optional) Name of the artifacts folder. Default: "Artifacts"

  • -l APP_LIST, --app_list APP_LIST

    Comma-separated list app names to deploy. Example: "App1,App2 With Spaces,App3_With_Underscores"

  • --cicd_probe_env CICD_PROBE_ENV

    URL of the CI/CD Probe, without the API endpoint. Example: "https://"

  • --cicd_probe_api CICD_PROBE_API

    (Optional) Overrides the default CI/CD Probe API endpoint, without the version. Default: "CI_CDProbe/rest"

  • --cicd_probe_version CICD_PROBE_VERSION

    (Optional) CI/CD Probe API version to use. Default: 1

  • --bdd_framework_env BDD_FRAMEWORK_ENV

    URL of the BDD Framework, without the API endpoint. Example: "https://"

  • --bdd_framework_api BDD_FRAMEWORK_API

    (Optional) Overrides the default BDD Framework API endpoint, without the version. Default: "BDDFramework/rest"

  • --bdd_framework_version BDD_FRAMEWORK_VERSION

    (Optional) BDD Framework API version to use. Default: 1


Builds and runs a test suite for the BDD Framework endpoints stored in the artifacts folder and generates a JUnit XML test report in the artifacts folder

evaluate_test_results.py [-h] [-a ARTIFACTS]


  • -h, --help

    Show this help message and exit.

  • -a ARTIFACTS, --artifacts ARTIFACTS

    (Optional) Name of the artifacts folder. Default: "Artifacts"

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