Customizing your Jenkinsfile - OutSystems/outsystems-pipeline GitHub Wiki
On the Jenkinsfile, one environment corresponds to a Stage in the pipeline, for the sake of simplicity. The stages have the following configuration:
stage('Deploy <EnvironmentName>') {
steps {
withPythonEnv('python') {
echo 'Deploying latest application tags to <EnvironmentName>...'
powershell "python -m outsystems.pipeline.deploy_latest_tags_to_target_env --artifacts \"${env.ArtifactsFolder}\" --lt_url ${env.LifeTimeHostname} --lt_token ${env.AuthorizationToken} --lt_api_version ${env.LifeTimeAPIVersion} --source_env \"<SRC_ENV_NAME_PARAM>\" --destination_env \"<DEST_ENV_NAME_PARAM>\" --app_list \"${params.ApplicationScope}\""
post {
always {
dir ("${env.ArtifactsFolder}") {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "*_data/*.cache", onlyIfSuccessful: true
failure {
dir ("${env.ArtifactsFolder}") {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "DeploymentConflicts"
You'll need the following variables (some you should already have from previous steps):
- Artifact Directory:
- LifeTime Hostname:
- LifeTime Token:
- LifeTime API Version:
- Source Environment Name: Variable containing the name of the environment you want to deploy from
- Destination Environment Name: Variable containing the name of the environment you want to deploy to
- App List:
, or${env.ApplicationsWithTests}
to include the tests apps in the deployment
The post
step defines what Jenkins will do in case of failure / success.
The always
portion always runs. In this step we archive all the cache files if the stage was successful. You can remove the onlyIfSuccessful: true
or change it to false
if you want to save the .cache
files in case of errors.
The failure
portion only runs if there's a failure in the stage. In this case we are only concerned with Deployment Conflicts, so we archive the file generated when there's one.
The file archiving allows us to see the files on the job executions, on Jenkins.
Important: Please note that the Slack Package is not included with the OutSystems Python package. You'll need to add it to your personal Git repository, by cloning that part of the repo.
Before you start using the Slack package, you'll need to configure the following parameters on your pipeline:
Name: SlackChannelList
Type: String
Default Value: <Channel or list of channels>
Description: Name of the Slack Channel you wish to send notifications. For more than one, use a comma-separated list. E.g.: <channel1>,<channel2>,<channel3>
Name: SlackHook
Type: Credentials
Credential type: Secret Text
Required: True
Default Value: <You can either create here the Slack Hook or select one previously created>
Description: Slack Hook for API requests
For more information on how to create a Slack Web Hook see the documentation and / or use the app.
Refer back to Creating the Authentication Token for LifeTime for more information on how to create a credential on Jenkins.
On your Jenkinsfile, under environment
you can add the new variables:
environment {
// Fetch the Slack Hook from the credentials
SlackHook = credentials("${params.SlackHook}")
// Slack channel list
SlackChannels = "${params.SlackChannelList}"
Usually, Slack is used to report the status of a stage. You can use the Post step inside the stage to accomplish this. To use the Slack package you can use:
failure {
withPythonEnv('python') {
echo 'Sending failure message to slack...'
powershell "python .\\outsystems_integrations\\slack\\ --artifacts \"${env.ArtifactsFolder}\" --slack_hook ${env.SlackHook} --slack_channel \"${env.SlackChannels}\" --pipeline jenkins --status false --title \"*Pipeline Error: ${env.JOB_NAME}*\" --message \"<message>\""
failure {
withPythonEnv('python') {
echo 'Sending failure message to slack...'
powershell "python .\\outsystems_integrations\\slack\\ --artifacts \"${env.ArtifactsFolder}\" --slack_hook ${env.SlackHook} --error_in_file DeploymentConflicts --slack_channel \"${env.SlackChannels}\" --pipeline jenkins --status false --title \"*Pipeline Error: ${env.JOB_NAME}*\" --message \"Failed trying to deploys apps from *<SRC ENV>* to *<DEST ENV>*.\""
always {
withPythonEnv('python') {
echo 'Sending test results to slack...'
powershell "python .\\outsystems_integrations\\slack\\ --artifacts \"${env.ArtifactsFolder}\" --slack_hook ${env.SlackHook} --slack_channel \"${env.SlackChannels}\" --pipeline jenkins --job_name \"${env.JOB_NAME}\" --job_dashboard_url ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}"
steps {
withPythonEnv('python') {
echo 'Sending waiting message to slack...'
powershell "python .\\outsystems_integrations\\slack\\ --artifacts \"${env.ArtifactsFolder}\" --slack_hook ${env.SlackHook} --slack_channel \"${env.SlackChannels}\" --pipeline jenkins --status true --title \"*Pipeline Waiting: ${env.JOB_NAME}*\" --message \"Pipeline needs your input to progress to *<ENVIRONMENT NAME>*.\n\nGo here to confirm: ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}\""