Weapons - Oussamarer/Future_pack GitHub Wiki

in the future pack , there are lots of weapons and more get added with each update


the lightsteel swords red & blue : they are the most basic weapon in this mod , being the easiest to craft they dont do that much but are quit fast , they can be obtained by crafting using a energycrystal and light steel ingots or by drops from the bots

the hotium sword : it is stronger then the lightsteel but are still weak and not tyat fast either , crafted by using hotium ingots

the claws : 2nd strongest for now , does good amount of damage and is really fast , can only be optained as a rare drop from the claw alien

the zanium swords : the strongest (known) sword , not that fast but does loads of damage , made by using zanium ingots

The UltraBeam : unknown


Laser guns red & blue : the most basic ranged weapon , your standerd gun that shoots lasers , uses laser shots as ammo , gotten from crafting with energy crystals or by killing bot gunners