Mobs - Oussamarer/Future_pack GitHub Wiki

Mobs are creatures controlled by the computer , they are there for the player to make use of or get killed by , either way , they are really important , keep in mind that all blue(good) bots attack red(bad) bots



Bots are the basic friend and enemy , there are red bots wich attack you when they see you and there are blue bots who help you and wont attack you unless you attack them , they drop light steel swords


they are a bit stronger then the normal bots , they have laser guns that they use , same story with the normal bots about the blue and red AI , they have a rare drop wich is the laser gun and they always drop 5-15 laser bullets


its a stronger version of the bot , they have more health and damage but are quite slow , drop alien skin when killed


a stronger version of the alien , medium health , high damage , high speed , rare drop : Claws ( weapon )