Web Designs and Layout - OurUserGuide/OCSC GitHub Wiki

Web Designs

Our Design approach : Embrace an Outside-in approach and the organization is able to align to a customer journey.

  1. Flat and minimalistic design framework.

  2. Mobile Centric web design (small screens), mobile first approach - start the production design from the mobile end which has more restrictions, then expand it's feature to create a tablet or desktop version.

Your text goes here.

Mobile First Approach

Expand to Desktop version

Expand to Desktop Version

  1. Mobile friendly design make our site load faster.
  • Designing things for a multi screen world regardless what device they are using
  • Easy navigation : clearly marked and easily used
  • Social buttons - Static and Clear

Social Icon

  • Main CSS of the website for mobile screens and variable CSS kicks in when the screen gets larger.
  1. Using templates for all pages.
  • Application display templates : Application Display Templates (ADTs) provide the ability to add custom display settings to the portlets from the portal. Below are example of the templates :

    • Asset Publisher Template. To select assets dynamically according a set of customizable rules. These rules can be stacked on top of each other so that they compliment each other to create a nice, refined query for your content. Once you’ve set up your filter rules for dynamically selecting content, you can decide how the content will be displayed.

      Asset Publisher Template
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