Nginx Server - OtagoPolytechnic/op-mattermost GitHub Wiki
Install Nginx on Ubuntu by using the following command.
sudo apt-get install Nginx
After Install the Nginx. Verify the Nginx is running.
You should be able to see a page with Welcome to NGINX!
You can also manage the Nginx by using the following command.
sudo service nginx stop sudo service nginx start sudo service nginx restart
Configure the Nginx to the proxy connection from the internet to the Mattermost server.
Create a configuration file for the Mattermost
sudo touch /etc/nginx/sites-available/mattermost
Go to the following link here and copy the Nginx script to the file
Remove the existing file by using the following command.
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
Link the Mattermost config file by using the following command.
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/mattermost /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mattermost
Restart the Nginx server by using the following command.
sudo service nginx restart
To verify you can see the Mattermost running thru the proxy by using the following command.
curl localhost
You should be able to see a page with Mattermost – Signup
To install the let’s encrypt using the following command.
git clone
Make sure that port 80 is not use by anything, also stop the Nginx server.
sudo service nginx stop netstat -na | grep ':80.*LISTEN' ./letsencrypt-auto certonly –standalone
Modify the file at /etc/Nginx/sites-available/mattermost.
Copy and add the Nginx config to the file from the following link here.
Restart the Nginx server by using the following command.
sudo service nginx start
Add the following line to corn so the certificate will renew itself every month.
crontab –e @monthly /home/ubuntu/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto certonly --reinstall -d yourdomainname && sudo service nginx reload