External Libraries - OtagoPolytechnic/OpenSourceWindowsGazeControl GitHub Wiki


Windows input simulator was originally found here https://github.com/michaelnoonan/inputsimulator, all the mouse functions we required intially worked except for middle click. We modified the original code and added middle click, the modified code can be found here https://github.com/OtagoPolytechnic/OpenSourceWindowsGazeControl/tree/WindowsInput CustomWindowsInput We have not put in a pull request as it looks like original repo is deas as it has not been updated in three years.

Since merging with the Optikey code and not needing to implement a middle click feature yet we have had to use the same windowsinput.dll that opikey uses. The can be found in the following folder:


Taskbar-like form

We make our gaze toolbar form behave like taskbar, this require the knowledge of win32 api, however we find a library that can achieve this, which is here http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/3728/C-does-Shell-Part this website provide detailed explaination of how that works.

Newton json

In order to save and load all the settings, we have chosen json as the format that we use. .net library also provide the facility to do this, however it is very hard to use, so we chose Newton json as prefered library. Here is the link http://www.newtonsoft.com/json