Creating and install package - OtagoPolytechnic/OpenSourceWindowsGazeControl GitHub Wiki

  1. From Git checkout the install branch.
  2. Merge in any changes from the master branch.
  3. Right click on the GazetoolBar and Optikey project and click build to update any changes that came from master, fix any errors.
  4. Right click on the Gazetoolbar project and select properties. On the Build tab make sure the settings match the screen shot below.

Build Settings

  1. Click on the Publish tab and then select "Publish wizard...".
  2. Select a folder to place the compiled executables files. Click "Next".
  3. Select form a CD-ROM. Click "Next".
  4. Select The application will not check for updates. Click "Next".
  5. Click "Finish" and visual studio should build the project and show the folder of the compiled executables, you can now distribute these as required.
