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Live chat source synchronization component

Danmaku(Live chat)Source class inherits SourceBase class and implements related interfaces to achieve message receiving and sending functions from Live danmuku/comment in real time.It is regulated by message manager and other client can transport messages from source to their target.


SourceBase class Members:

Access Member Name Type Description
Property Get Name String Source Name
Property Get Author String Source Author Name
Property Get/Set LiveID String Live chat/room ID
Property Get EventBus BaseEventDispatcher<ISourceEvent> The global source event triggers and binders managed by the program
Property Get/Protected Set Status SourceStatus Obtain or set the working state of the current barrage source

SourceBase class Methods:

Access/Modifier Method Signture Return Type Decription
Public SourceBase(string Name, string Author) .ctor Contructor
Protected RaiseEvent<T>(T args) void Event triggering function used only by the source itself
Public abstract Connect() void the method call by program when source want to connect
Public abstract Disconnect() void the method call by program when source want to disconnect

SourceBase class is the most basic source class which only implement danmuku/comment receiving.If you want to send message from game(client) to souce(live chat).Please inherits SendableSource class.


You can replace SourceBase to SendableSource for supporting send message from game to live chat.Program will know your source is sendable.

SendableSource is an inherited implementation of SourceBase, with all the functions of SourceBase

Access Member Name Type Decription
Property Get/Private Set SendStatus Bool Check current status and if is sendable
Access/Modifier Method Signature Return Type Description
Public abstract Login(string user, string password) void the method call by Program when user want to login for setup
Public abstract Send(IMessageBase message) void the method call by Program when user want to send message