How to Contribute Code - OsmiCSX/osmicsx GitHub Wiki

Thank you for your interest in contributing to OsmiCSX! From commenting on and triaging issues, to reviewing and sending PRs, all contributions are welcome. In this document, we'll cover the steps to contributing code to OsmiCSX.

If you are eager to start contributing code right away, we have a list of good first issues that contain bugs which have a relatively limited scope. Issues labeled help wanted are good issues to submit a PR for.


  • You have Node installed at v8.3.0+ and Yarn at v1.2.0+.
  • You are familiar with Git.

Development Workflow

Clone Project

  1. Clone this project by running git clone -b development [email protected]:OsmiCSX/osmicsx.git
  2. Install dependencies by running yarn install
  3. Build OsmiCSX by running yarn build

Using on Local React Native Project

  1. Init React Native project
  2. Add osmicsx from local path, example:
yarn add <local-path-osmicsx>

* Note: Don't forget to remove node_modules on osmicsx folder local if you're adding into react native project as dependency

Testing your Changes

Tests help us prevent regressions from being introduced to the codebase. We recommend running yarn test or the platform-specific scripts above to make sure you don't introduce any regressions as you work on your change.

The GitHub repository is continuously tested using GitHub Actions, the results of which are available through the Checks functionality on commits and pull requests. You can learn more about running and writing tests in the Tests wiki.


By contributing to OsmICSX, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the LICENSE file in the root directory of the OsmiCSX source tree.