Roadmap - OsmSharp/core GitHub Wiki


OsmSharp is a pretty basic library and has been quite stable so this roadmap isn't very impressive. Most of what OsmSharp is supposed to do is already done.

Version 5.0.8

This version is already released

Version 6.0.0

This version is already released

Release notes:

  • [BREAKING] Moved from floats to double for lat/lon on nodes.
  • Full netstandard support.
  • Fixed GPX serialization to be culture neutral and fixed GPX serialization date handling. 6c0f144, bb3b491
  • Fixed missing ToSimple() methods. #28
  • Added the option to upload extra root attributes. 3b3e2cc
  • Added bounds export capabilities. 9341b61
  • Support changesets with multiple delete, modify or create sections. #41

Version 6.1 and beyond

This is an overview of what is planned, this is a mayor version change so it has breaking changes

For issues related to this version, check this milestone