Test Cases - OskarKlintrotSkolarbeteWP14/1dv608-Project GitHub Wiki
##Test case 1.1, Register new user Register a new login with incorrect credentials
- Press
Register a new user
- Press
- Error messages complaining about incorrect username and password are shown
##Test case 1.2, Register new user Register a new login with existing username and incorrect password
- Press
Register a new user
- Choose
as username - Fill in a password but don't repeat it
- Press
- Error messages complaining about existing username and passwords that do not match are shown
##Test case 1.3, Register new user Register a new login with correct credentials
- Press
Register a new user
- Choose a username that is at least three (3) characters
- Choose a password longer that is at least six (6) characters
- Repeat password
- Press
- Page redirects to front page
- Message that confirms successful registration is shown
- Chosen username is pre-filled Refreshing the page removes the success message
##Test case 2.1, Login Login with empty password
- TC 1.3
- Press
- Error message complaining about empty password is shown
- Username is still pre-filled
##Test case 2.2, Login Login with incorrect password
- TC 2.1
- Fill in incorrect password
- Press
- Error message
Wrong name or password
is shown
##Test case 2.3, Login Login with correct credentials
- TC 2.2
- Fill in correct password
- Press
- An empty TODO-list is shown and
buttons are disabled
Test validation on empty todo
- TC 2.3
- Press
Add todo
- Error message is shown
- Error message disappear when reloading the page
Test validation on to long todo
- TC 2.3
- Enter todo longer than 55 characters
- Press
Add todo
- Error message is shown
- Error message disappear when reloading the page
Test validation on script
- TC 2.3
- Enter
- Press
Add todo
- Error message is shown
- Error message disappear when reloading the page
Add proper Todo
- TC 2.3
- Enter
Buy tomatoes
as a todo - Press enter
Buy tomatoes
is shown together with a timestamp
Test pagination
- TC 2.3 or TC 3.4
- Add more than five (5) more todos
- The button
should now be available
Test pagination
- TC 3.5
- Press
- Second pagination page should be shown
button should be disabled -
button should be available -
should have been added to the url
Remove todo
- TC 3.6
- Press "Remove" on a todo
- Cancel removing todo
- Press "Remove" on a todo
- Confirm removing todo
- Todo should have been removed
Mark todo as done
- At least one todo
- Press
- The todo is strike through
Edit todo
- At least one todo
- Press edit on a todo
- Press cancel
- Press edit on a todo
- Write a new description
- Press save
- The new description should now be shown
- Press
- User should now be logged out
- Good bye message is shown
- Good bye message disappears on refreshing the page