Send Study - OsiriX-Foundation/KheopsAuthorization GitHub Wiki
This resource can be used by a user that has access to at least one series of the specified study to share all accessible series with another user.
URL : /studies/{StudyInstanceUID}/users/{user}
Method : PUT
Auth Required : Requires an Access Token with a sub claim that specifies a user that has access to at least on series in the study.
URL Parameters
Use only one of these two parameters for specify the source of the study
Success Response
If the study was shared successfully.
- Status :
204 No Content
Error Response
If validation of the token fails:
- Status :
400 Bad Request
If no authentication token is supplied: (Don't forget to return the WWW-authenticate header)
- Status :
401 Unauthorized
If the user specified in the sub claim does not have access to any series of the specified study.
- Status :
403 Forbidden