Revoke a Capability Token - OsiriX-Foundation/KheopsAuthorization GitHub Wiki
This resource can be used by a user that want to revoke a capability token.
URL : /capabilities/{capability_id}/revoke
Method : POST
Auth Required : Authorization with a JWT Bearer token with the user as the sub claim.
Success Response
If the token was revokedsuccessfully.
- Status :
200 OK
"id": "KbSVRVsa0r",
"secret": "yCq8BB4f5OESEknoLUbL0Z",
"title": "Twitter token",
"issued_at_time": "2018-10-22T14:20:59.790Z",
"not_before_time": "2018-10-22T14:20:59.734Z",
"expiration_time": "2019-01-22T14:20:59.734Z",
"revoke_time": "2018-11-12T13:13:43.123Z",
"revoked": true,
"read_permission": true,
"write_permission": false,
"download_permission": true,
"appropriate_permission": false,
"scope_type": "album",
"scope_album": "qs78F5Cd2X"
"scope_type": "user"
Error Response
If the {capabiliti_id} is unknow
- Status :
404 Not Found