Remove a series - OsiriX-Foundation/KheopsAuthorization GitHub Wiki
Used to remove a series. For removing a series, the user must be an admin or an user with "removeSeries" permission.
URL : /studies/{StudyInstanceIUD}/series/{SeriesInstanceIUD}/albums/{album_id}
Method : DELETE
Auth Required : Authorization with a JWT Bearer token with the user as the sub claim. The user must an admin or an user with "removeSeries" permission.
Success Response
- Status :
204 No Content
Error Response
If the user is not an admin or an user with "removeSeries" permission.
- Status :
403 Forbidden
If the user is not found. If the album id does not exist. If the user is not a member of the album. If the seriesis not present in the album.
- Status :
404 Not Found