Get a list of webhooks - OsiriX-Foundation/KheopsAuthorization GitHub Wiki

Used to get the list of webhooks for an album.

URL : /albums/{album_id}/webhooks

Method : GET

Auth Required : Authorization with a JWT Bearer token with the user as the sub claim.


  • Accept : If present, require that this value be application/json

Query Parameters

  • limit={limit} (Optional)
  • offset={offset} (Optional)
  • url={url} (Optional) Can be used to find out if a webhook with the same url already exists.

Success Response

  • Status : 200 OK

Header X-Total-Count contains the total number of webhooks for the album

        "id": "QAdfIstxuOvwkcm39WEO",
        "url": "",
        "name": "a name",
        "use_secret": false,
        "events": ["new_series","new_user"],
        "enabled": true,
        "last_triggers": [
                "id": "peasMs9OIgbBnIA1na4ANnDj2b4ebl",
                "status": "pass"
                "id": "j3gbeiu78gI78GI87G2WIU278FGbbm",
                "status": "fail"
                "id": "bmnbmBU78gHizFGgvfi78fvUJzfFZu",
                "status": "pass"
                "id": "jhUIGHiugBIUgvZI8t7g87FVUzfv78",
                "status": "fail"
                "id": "iugiGi7g7zIGVujzfgG8f67JIup0uj9",
                "status": "fail"
        "number_of_triggers": 11
        "id": "kCMP3HU3GvcLOl8rNCLQ",
        "url": "",
        "name": "another name",
        "use_secret": true,
        "events": ["new_series", "remove_series"],
        "enabled": true,
        "number_of_triggers": 0

webhooks are sorted by creation date from most recent to oldest. last_triggers are sorted from most recent to oldest.

Error Response

If the user is not found If the album is not found

  • Status : 404 Not Found