Having Trouble? - Oshlack/necklace GitHub Wiki

Necklace is a new software pipeline so we expect to encounter some bugs etc. as its use increases. We value feedback, so please report any issues and feel free to ask us any questions.

The best way to contact us is either of the following:

  • Report the issue through our google group (that way others with similar issues can track progress)
  • Submit an issue through github

Please supply enough information that we can reproduce the error. For example:

  • What command you ran
  • The output of necklace including the error message
  • Details of your system, such as OS.
  • Details of the dataset you are trying to run on
  • Whether you encountered the same error while running our small demo
  • If it's possible, supply a reproducible example (e.g. a subset of the fastq reads which recreates the same error).