Parametric Transformer - Oshi41/GenshinImpactMod GitHub Wiki

Parametric Tramsformer

Brief info

Mysterious artifact tranforming catalyst items into others. Device has internal cooldown for use. Usage can extend with own recipe format. Device need to be charged with elemental attacks.

Game GUI


You can use item by right-click on ground. You need 1x1x1 block space for GUI to be opened. Left the mainheld item be parametric transformer during GUI opened.


There are an helping info on the top of GUI - possible catalysts. Every possible catalyst placed inside transformer increasing energy. Item energy base on item rarity:

  1. Common
  2. Uncommon
  3. Rare
  4. Epic

After reaching 150 energy button becomes available.


After pressing the process starts. All catalysts consumes including the mainheld item, Parametric transformer. Menu is closing and parametric transformer entity is spawning.


Transmutation need elemental energy and transformer shows it's charging amount. After reaching 100% entity disappears and placing result items inside owned player.


Resulting items selecting from all recipes that matches at least one item among the catalysts. Random selecting is weighted by amount of energy for current recipe.

Next use delayed by configurable amount of time. Right-click will show time till next use.


Recipe format

Below is not a valid JSON. Comments are placed just for info reasons

  // custom recipe type
  "type": "gim:parametric_transformer",

  // amount of items returning from current recipe
  "amount": 1,
  // every elemental damage deals this amount of damage for 
  // current recipe. Lower values means harder to charge.
  "damage": 10,

  // recipe quality. Better quality selects 3 times rarer per level. 
  // 1 is 3x rarer than 0, 2 is 3x rarer than 1, etc.
  "quality": 0,

  // possible results. Amount can be shrinked to results length
  "results": [
      "item": "gim:brilliant"

  // possible ingredients
  "ingredients": [
      "item": "minecraft:iron_ingot"
      "item": "minecraft:gold_ingot"
      "item": "minecraft:copper_ingot"
      "item": "minecraft:netherite_ingot"
      "item": "minecraft:coal"
      "item": "minecraft:diamond"
      "item": "minecraft:emerald"