Update Journal - Orpheusp/denison-expanding-archives-omeka-theme GitHub Wiki


  • Created this sweet page for updates of this project.
  • Modified items/show.php so that the layout now supports displaying either a single item related file (image/other files) or multiple item related files.
  • Modified items/browser.php so that browser options such as result sorting options, output format options look nicely on the page.
  • Some other minor modification on layout in items/search-form and simple-pages/page/show.php.


  • Rearranged several tiny spots in items/browse.php and items/search-form.php and changed CSS layouts for them.
  • Added an advanced search form (originated from items/search-form.php) in items/browse.php so that users can stay in items/browse.php page with their search results displayed while modifying their search filters.
  • Working on Finished drawer animation effect in items/browse.php that hides the advanced search form by default and shows it when user presses search icon.
    • update 1: added naive implementation for the drawer animation effect, fixing the issue of overflow when adding more "narrow by specific fields" filters.
    • update 2: fixed the issue described in update 1.
  • Added collections/browse.php page for displaying collections with a div structure similar to items/browse.php
  • Minor changes in CSS attributes for exhibit-item class elements used in both collections/browse.php and items/browse.php.
  • Overwrote php files of exhibit-builder plugin and had them confirm to div structures and layout of this theme.
  • pre-demo on Denison's Expanding Archive Project website.


  • Added naive implementation of pinterest-like waterfall layout for pages that exhibits any entities, such as items/browse.php, collections/browse.php, collections/show.php, exhibit-builder/exhibits/browse.php with Masonry.
  • Resolved the problem where OpenSans was not shown.
  • Working on (actually almost finished) a site plugin project Waterfall Gallery Layout Omeka Plugin that create exhibit section with pinterest-like waterfall layout in exhibit-builder plugin.
  • Working responsive layout on smaller screen devices such as mobiles and tablets.