REST API Documentation - Orodan/Hilary GitHub Wiki

  • Creating a new global admin
  • Making someone a tenant admin
  • Importing a CSV file

Create a Global Admin User

POST /api/auth/createGlobalAdminUser

Server: Global Admin only Body Parameters:

  • username: The username the admin user will login with
  • password: The password the admin user will login with (must be at least 6 characters)
  • displayName: The display name for the admin user

Give (or revoke) a user Tenant Administrator privileges

POST /api/user/:id/admin

Server: Global Admin or User Tenant Path Parameters:

  • id: The id of the user to promote or demote

Body Parameters:

  • admin: true or false, indicating whether or not the user should have admin privileges

Import a batch of users into the system

POST /api/user/import

Server: Global Admin or User Tenant Body Parameters:

  • tenantAlias (Global admin only): The tenant to which to import the users
  • forceProfileUpdate: true or false. When true, indicates all existing users should have their profiles updated with matching users in the CSV file. If false, displayNames and email addresses of users will be updated only if the existing users have not already explicitly set them
  • authenticationStrategy: The authentication strategy users will use to log in. Valid authentication strategies are: local, shibboleth, cas, facebook, google, twitter, ldap, oauth
  • file: The multi-part file data to submit with the request


# Get a session cookie
~$ ADMIN_COOKIE=$(curl -s -e "/" --cookie-jar - -d"username=<username>" -d"password=<password>" http:// | grep connect.sess | cut -f 7)

# Use that cookie to make the import request
~$ curl --cookie connect.sess=${ADMIN_COOKIE} -e "/" -F tenantAlias=cam -F forceProfileUpdate=false -F authenticationStrategy=local -F [email protected]
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