Common production tasks issues - Orodan/Hilary GitHub Wiki

This page lists common production tasks/issues

Issue: Group membership or content/discussion libraries are not up to date

User's libraries such as content, discussion and group memberships are created from denormalised data that is optimised for the various visibility permutation and to achieve high throughput. In very unlikely circumstances it's possible that these get out of sync.

For example, if a user cannot see the groups of which they are a member in their “My groups” list their memberships library has probably been corrupted.

This can be fixed by completely wiping the user's group memberships library. The next time the library is retrieved, it will be rebuilt on the fly.

Run the following in CQLSH:

delete from "LibraryIndex" where "bucketKey" = 'principals:memberships#u:OAE:foobar#public';
delete from "LibraryIndex" where "bucketKey" = 'principals:memberships#u:OAE:foobar#loggedin';
delete from "LibraryIndex" where "bucketKey" = 'principals:memberships#u:OAE:foobar#private';