04. Milestone History - OrkanMetin/SWE-573 GitHub Wiki

Milestone 1: Ending The Design and Beginning Prototyping

Status: 100% completed.

End Date: 05.11.2019

**Description: ** This is the first milestone which is created in the beginning of the semester. It covers the design phase of the project.


  1. Requirements

  2. UML Diagrams

  3. Mockups

Milestone Link: https://github.com/OrkanMetin/SWE-573/milestone/1?closed=1

Screen Shot: ms01

Milestone 2: First Prototype: Community_Detail and Community_List

(This is the first milestone that was presented in the classroom.)

Status: 100% completed.

End Date: 19.11.2019

**Description: ** This is the second milestone which aims to complete the first running version of the project with "List Community" and "View Community Detail" features.It is presented in the classroom.


  1. Commited code files are available: https://github.com/OrkanMetin/SWE-573/tree/master/community

  2. Screenshots of the first running prototype:

List Community Screen


Community Detail Screen


Screen Shot: ms02

Milestone 3: Complete Login Feature and Start to Develop Post Type Feature

Status: 0% completed.

End Date: 26.11.2019

Will be updated soon...