Robot class - Orgamliel7/Ex3- GitHub Wiki
This class represents the "robots" that supposed to collect the prizes during the game. Our chosen robot is the famous soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo.
note: We have 1-5 robots maximum, depends on the specific scenario.
There is a limited time for the robots to get as many points as possible in the game!
We are positioning the robots wisely on the graph so that they are as close as possible for high-score prizes.
There are 3 constructors for Robot class:
defalut constructor - public Robot() - initialize all fields to zero/null.
public Robot(int id, node_data currNode, edge_data currEdge, int money, Point3D pos, double speed, graph gg)
public Robot(int id, node_data currNode, edge_data currEdge, int money, Point3D pos, double speed)