MVPs - Orenshaf/SoundProud GitHub Wiki
SoundProud, a Soundcloud clone, is a music and audio platform that allows users to make profiles, upload music, comment on music and play music while browsing
1. Hosting on Heroku (05/28/2019)
2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login (05/29/2019, 2 days)
- Users can sign up, sign in, log out
- Users can use a demo login to try the site
- Users can't use certain features without logging in (uploading tracks, listening to tracks, liking/commenting on tracks, etc.)
- Navbar when logged out:
- SoundProud name and logo linking back to splash page
- Home button linking back to homepage
- Library button linking to sign up page
- Search bar to search users/tracks
- Sign in button that renders sign in form
- Sign up button that renders sign up form
- Navbar when logged in:
- Link image of SoundProud logo and home button linking back to homepage
- Library button linking to users track index
- Search bar to search users/tracks
- Upload button linking to track upload form
- Profile dropdown menu (with avatar and username), including link to users show page, and users track index page
- Notification bell widget
- Mail widget
widget that is a dropdown menu to signout
3. Tracks (05/31/2019, 2 days)
- Logged in users can upload tracks using track form
- Logged in users can edit their own tracks information
- Logged in users can delete their own tracks
- Tracks index page listing all uploaded tracks
- Tracks show page has its avatar
- Tracks show page has a comment form for people to comment on the track
4. Play Tracks (06/02/2019, 2 days)
- Users can listen to any track even if they aren't logged in
- Footer has a progress bar with playback, pause/play, skip, shuffle, replay button
- Footer has progress bar showing what point the music is at
- Footer has volume button to adjust volume
- Footer has a widget with track avatar and links to authors show page and tracks show page
5. Comments (06/04/2019, 2 days)
- Logged in users can post comments on a track
- Logged in users can reply to comments
- Logged in users can delete comments on their tracks
- Logged in users can delete their own comments on their own track and other tracks
- All user can read comments on a track
- Logged in users can post comments on specific times of a track
6. User Pages (06/06/2019, 2 days)
- Users avatar on the top right
- Users can upload an image for their header
- Users name inside header next to avatar
- Edit button bottom right of header that opens up edit form
box below edit button- Users can see their uploaded tracks
7. Production README (06/07/2019, 0.5 days)
Wave Form (BONUS!)
- Tracks have wave forms
Playlists (BONUS!)
- Logged in users can make playlists
Likes (BONUS!)
- Logged in users can like a track which adds it to their page