Use Cases Templates - OrelShlomo/RealTime GitHub Wiki

Job Candidate

Sign Up
Name Sign Up
Brief Description Jobseekers will fill in their details and submit a request for approval
Actors The jobseekers
Preconditions Non
Basic Flow The jobseeker will fill in his details → press submit
Alternate Flows Non
Post Conditions His registration request will enter the waiting list in the database
Log In
Name Log in
Brief Description The jobseeker will enter his username and password and press submit in order to enter his account
Actors The jobseeker
Preconditions The jobseeker must have an account
Basic Flow The jobseeker will enter his username and password → press submit → the system will enter him to his account
Alternate Flows The jobseeker will enter wrong username and password → press submit → the system will tell him to try again
Post Conditions The system will enter him to his account
Search For A Job
Name Search For A Job
Brief Description The jobseeker will enter a page with jobs offers, each job will have specific details about it
Actors The Jobseeker
Preconditions The jobseeker must be logged in and verified by the admin
Basic Flow The jobseeker enter ‘Search for a job’ page → he will roll up and down to search for job that fits him → press Apply to the job he wants
Alternate Flows Non
Post Conditions The jobseeker will enter to ‘apply for a job’ page
Apply For A Job
Name Apply For A Job
Brief Description The jobseeker will enter a page of the job application he chose, in this page he will have to fill his personal relevant details and apply for the job, his application will transfer to the employer
Actors The Jobseeker
Preconditions The jobseeker chose the specific at ‘search for job’ page
Basic Flow The jobseeker get to a page to insert details and fill them as required and press submit → the details will transfer to the employer and the jobseeker gets to a screen with success message
Alternate Flows 1. The jobseeker inserts wrong/incomplete details and press submit → he will return to the same page with notes which fields he needs to fix
2. The jobseeker click back to previous page and so it does
Post Conditions The job seeker will return to the search for a job page, and the job status will be saved in his account
Watch Job Application
Name Watch Job Application
Brief Description The jobseeker can watch and manage the job applications that he applied. He can cancel the application or see its status
Actors Jobseeker
Preconditions The jobseeker applied for at least one job application
Basic Flow The jobseeker click on the main page ‘watch job applications’ → he click the specific job he wants to watch from the list of his applications → he able to see all the details, if he click ‘cancel application’ he will no longer will be applied for this job, and the employer will receive a message about it
Alternate Flows The jobseeker just wants to see the application status, and click ‘back to main page’ to return to the main page
Post Conditions If he canceled the application, then the employer will get the message
Edit Profile
Name Edit Profile
Brief Description Registered users will be able to edit their profile: change their image / password and edit their details
Actors Job candidate
Preconditions The user is signed-in to the account
Basic Flow User signing-in → clicking the "edit profile" button → changing information → clicking "Save changes"
Alternate Flows Non
Post Conditions The changes will be saved to the database


Post A Job
Name Post A Job
Brief Description The employer will post a new job offer
Actors Employer, Admin
Preconditions Non
Basic Flow Employer post a new job → the admin will be notified of the new posted job → the admin will approved the job → the job will be displayed on the appropriate page → the employer will get an approval email
Alternate Flows Employer post a new job → the admin will be notified of the new posted job → the admin will denied the job → the employer will get an email with the reason for denying
Post Conditions The new job will be displayed on the appropriate page and will be saved to the database


Log In
Name Log In
Brief Description The admin will enter his username and password and press the 'Submit' button in order to log in
Actors Admin
Preconditions The admin must have an account
Basic Flow The admin will enter his username and password → press 'Submit' → validation → entering the admin panel
Alternate Flows Username/password not valid → error massage
Post Conditions The admin logged-in to his panel successfully
Manage Jobs
Name Manage Jobs
Brief Description Approving, adding, removing and editing jobs
Actors Admin
Preconditions Admin must be logged-in
Basic Flow A → B → C → D
Alternate Flows Non
Post Conditions The changes will be saved to the database
Manage Users
Name Manage Users
Brief Description Adding, removing and editing users and all of their features
Actors Admin
Preconditions Admin must be logged-in
Basic Flow A → B → C → D
Alternate Flows Non
Post Conditions The changes will be saved to the database
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️