SDS Software Design Specification - OrelShlomo/RealTime GitHub Wiki

Architecture Diagram

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-10 at 10 31 17

Class Diagrams

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-06 at 21 35 57


All the data will be saved on Firebase Database. Data store structure:

  • /Job/ a table that stores all the jobs applications and their status and has the following attributes: Job id, email,employer name, company name, phone, job type, description and image.
  • /Employee/ a table that stores all the employee users and their personal details and has the following attributes: user id, password, first name, last name, phone, email, birth-day , address, image, description and status.
  • /Job-Employee/ a table that connects between the 2 tables “Jobs” and “Employee” and the table attributes are the keys attributes of those tables: Job id , user id.
  • /Employer/ a table that stores employer details and has the following attributes: first name,last name, phone, email, how you found us,company name,job type, employment length and status

All the files will be saved on Firebase Storage, Files store structure:

  • /Images/ will store all the images that the users will upload to the website
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