Setting up and using preflight - OregonDigital/hyrax-migrator GitHub Wiki

Current copies of these classes from Hyrax-Migrator/lib/hyrax/migrator need to be in OD1/lib/hyrax/migrator

  • crosswalk_metadata.rb
  • crosswalk_metadata_preflight.rb
  • required_fields.rb
  • asset_status.rb
  • preflight_checks.rb
  • preflight_check_services.rb
  • cpd_check.rb
  • visibility_lookup_preflight.rb
  • visibility_lookup.rb

Copy files from OD2/config/initializers/migrator to a work directory

  • crosswalk.yml
  • crosswalk_overrides.yml
  • required_fields.yml

Copy files from Hyrax-Migrator/lib/tasks/preflight_tools to OD1/lib/tasks/preflight_tools

  • preflight.rake

to run:

  1. create a list of OD1 pids, one pid per line and place in a working directory.

  2. from the hydra directory: RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake preflight_tools:preflight work_dir=pathtoworkdir pidlist=pidlist.txt

  3. reports will be printed to the work directory; if verbose=true is added to the args, the tool will print the errors of each asset to screen.