Export on OregonDigital - OregonDigital/hyrax-migrator GitHub Wiki

Bags will be created in the export directory; when ready to ingest, move the batch up out of exports so that the migrator can find them. Once any of the following tasks has been run, running any of them again at a later date will update the existing bags if the batch is moved back into the exports directory.

# Export metadata and content
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake migration:export_all export_dir=/od2_migration/exports name=baseball pidlist=baseball_pids.txt remediation=fix_geonames

# Export metadata only
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake migration:export_metadata export_dir=/od2_migration/exports name=baseball pidlist=baseball_pids.txt remediation=fix_geonames

# Export content files
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake migration:export_content export_dir=/od2_migration/exports name=baseball pidlist=baseball_pids.txt

It is also possible to add new remediation methods on the fly by running the export in the rails console, adding the method to the class, and setting the remediation argument like this: 'fix_geonames|fix_another_thing'.